Jardim Botânico - Coimbra
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N 40° 12.361 W 008° 25.216
29T E 549336 N 4450784
Main gate of the Botanical Garden in Coimbra.
Waymark Code: WMD3KJ
Location: Coimbra, Portugal
Date Posted: 11/14/2011
Views: 10
This gate is located in Coimbra's city center, and is the main gate of the University Botanical Garden.
It was made in 1844, with iron wrought. Walking throu this gate you can access to this beautiful and scientific garden.
The Botanical garden was founded in 1772, not far from the main buildings of the University.
Location of this 'Gate': On public property
 Type of material: Iron
 Enter any comments or observation about this gate.: Built in iron wrought in 1844
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