Highest point of Santarém District
Posted by:
N 39° 32.147 W 008° 38.199
29S E 531224 N 4376298
This is the highest point in the District of Santarém, 679 meters high.
Waymark Code: WMD0K4
Location: Santarém, Portugal
Date Posted: 11/02/2011
Views: 6
This is in the central carsic area of Portugal.
State/Province/County/Territory etc.: Santarém, Portugal
 Elevation: 679
 Elevation Measurement: Meters
 Access: Hiking Trail/Foot Path
 Fee: No
 If Yes How Much?: Not Listed
 Related URL (If available): Not listed

Visit Instructions:
To log a high point, post a photo of you and your GPS, or just your GPS at the high point. If there is a sign noting that it is a high point, be sure to include that in the photo.