The Institute for the Care of Mother and Child - WWI & II - Prague, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ToRo61
N 50° 03.735 E 014° 25.160
33U E 458438 N 5545713
The Institute for the Care of Mother and Child operates in monumental premises under Vyšehrad ramparts at the Vltava riverbank.
Waymark Code: WMBHZD
Location: Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
Date Posted: 05/24/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Outspoken1
Views: 139

The Institute was founded before World War I. The building was designed by arch. prof. R. Kríženecký and was opened after four years of construction in 1914, shortly before the beginning of the World War I.

Part of the sanatorium was enabled to use by the Red Cross during the World War I and became a military hospital. After the war, there were the 2nd Surgery and 2nd Gynecology Clinics in the premises of Sanatorium as well as X-Ray Diagnosis Department and Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Departments.

Germans confiscated the Institute during World War II and changed it into a military hospital for SS troops. The building was damaged by bombardment during the Prague May Rebellion in 1945. After that, there was a repatriation hospital for prisoners freed from Nazi concentration camps that suffered from tuberculosis.

Source: (visit link)
Podolské nábř. 157/36 Prague

Name of War: WWI & WWII

Type of Documentation: Web Page/Historical Documentation

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