The Czech Yacht Club, Prague, CZ
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ToRo61
N 50° 03.670 E 014° 25.039
33U E 458294 N 5545594
The Czech Yacht Club (Ceský Yacht Klub – CYK), the one of the oldest yacht club in central Europe, pioneered yachting club in the Czech lands.
Waymark Code: WMBHK1
Location: Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
Date Posted: 05/23/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member sailor_dave
Views: 138

Podolí, famed for its rafting activity in days gone by, is the birthplace of Czech yachting. Opposite the 14th century rafters’ church stands the Czech Yacht Club (CYK), a unique three-storey wooden boathouse, built in 1912 on the breakwater at Podolí, below the rocks of Vysehrad. The boathouse has become another historical monument in this part of Prague (visit link) .

The Czech Yacht Club was founded in 1893 by Josef Rössler-Orovský, an outstanding sportsman.
The club was also politically-aware. At its 25th anniversary celebration, on 20th October, 1918, the CYK became the first place in Prague where the Czech flag was flown instead of the Austrian flag
Even though most members of the CYK sail as a hobby, races do take place especially for juniors, and the CYK itself organises yacht races.
Although the river is more suitable for recreational yachting and training than for racing, the CYK has always been highly competitive, entering yacht races at home and abroad. The biggest local race is the Lord Mayor’s Shield, which has been running since 1946. It takes place every autumn below Vyšehrad, and began at the end of the Second World War in memory of the first Lord Mayor of Prague, Baxa, who had also been a member of the CYK since 1918. In the year 2000, 63 yachts competed in the 55th race under the auspices of the Lord Mayor of Prague.

Source: (visit link)
Facility Rating:

Address of Facility:
Podolské nábřeží
Prague, Czech Republic

Public/Private: Public?

Clear overhead clearance at ramp for mast: yes

Good trailer/rig parking: yes

Good dock alongside of ramp: yes

Overnight docking available: yes

Good staging area for rigging boat: yes

Clubhouse facilities: yes

Racing committee at facility: yes

"On the hard" trailer/boat storage: no

Website of Club: [Web Link]

Fees: Not Listed

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