The former Creamery complex - Berry, NSW
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Tuena
S 34° 46.863 E 150° 41.711
56H E 289102 N 6148816
The former Creamery in Berry.
Waymark Code: WMBDKB
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Date Posted: 05/09/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Fish Below The Ice
Views: 11

The Berry Central Creamery was built in 1895 to manufacture butter. It was the first factory in NSW to adopt pasteurisation of its cream in 1900. In 1913 the factory was equipped to sell milk to the Sydney market & the growth in this product saw butter production cease in 1958.

Milk production peaked in 1976 with 22 million litres but the 80s saw milk quotas reduced & high land prices encouraging farmers to sell their land. In 1991 milk was delivered directly to the Australian Cooperative Foods Limited factory in Bomaderry. The laboratory for the testing and grading of the milk is the only part of the Berry factory building now in use.

The creamery now sells a premium milk product through its South Coast Dairy brand, with the milk being processed off site in Picton. The Creamery is located on Old Creamery Lane in Berry.

The Creamery building & its grounds now support many different business's.
Are tours available?: no

Does the Dairy Creamery have a website?: [Web Link]

Type: Converted

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Throsbyonchurch visited The former Creamery complex - Berry, NSW 01/25/2017 Throsbyonchurch visited it