Kociánka Leisure Zone AKA Park Area - Usti nad Orlici, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ištván
N 49° 58.357 E 016° 23.867
33U E 600229 N 5536522
New town square in Usti nad Orlici, these odd shapes are pretty hard to use... / Nové námestí v Ústí nad Orlicí, podivné tvary jež je težké používat...
Waymark Code: WMBCDP
Location: Pardubický kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 05/04/2011
Views: 90


New town square in Usti nad Orlici, these odd shapes are pretty hard to use, almost can't walk between circles and you don't want to know how much it cost - it cost a lot :)
For aerial photography goes thanks to geocaching mate MJ+!


Nové námestí v Ústí nad Orlicí, podivné tvary je težké používat, mezi kruhy sotva projdete a radeji se neptejte na cenu :)
Kouknete po ostatních waymarcích v oblasti.
Za poskytnutí fotografie dekuji MJ+!

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Please provide another photo of the location. You don't have to be in there shot, but you can. The photo requirement is to discourage any armchair visiting.
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