Zbraslav - Central Bohemia, CZ
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N 49° 57.371 E 014° 23.537
33U E 456407 N 5533935
One of the largest producers of crushed stone in Czech republic.
Waymark Code: WMB4DW
Location: Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
Date Posted: 04/04/2011
Views: 129
History Zbraslav quarry dates from around 1900, when the left bank of the Vltava river gradually developed several small wall quarry. Extraction and processing of stones was done primarily by hand. The first mention of the beginning of the machining of stone are from 1920. The next stage of development of these small mines, which have gradually merged into a quarry, for the 1947th
The largest reconstruction and modernization of the quarry was performed in 1977. Due to the location of quarry and the quality of mined rock - spilite, tuffs, shale - is a major supplier of crushed quarry stone for the whole of Prague.
The modern history dates from the quarry Zbraslav privatization in 1994 and start-up company Kamen Zbraslav. Since this year is being phased modernization of the entire operation, with an emphasis on minimizing environmental impact.
At present, the quarry Zbraslav the largest producers of crushed stone in the whole country.
Type of Stone/Ore mined: spilite, tuffs, shale
 Associated Web Site: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Please give the date and short account of your visit to the quarry. Additional photos are welcomed, but not required.