Soul Waves (추도와 평화 기원의 탑) - Rizal Park - Manila, Philippines
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N 14° 35.050 E 120° 58.821
51P E 282419 N 1613299
This abstract sculpture representing sea waves is a remembrance of those who died during World War II, placed in Manila's Rizal Park by Korea in recognition of the mutual respect and sacrifices that they have shared with the Philippine people.
Waymark Code: WMB27D
Location: Philippines
Date Posted: 03/25/2011
Views: 2
These two memorials,
Filipino-Korean Soldier Monument commemorating the participation of the Philippine troops during the Korean War, and this one honoring the families of those who lost members during World War II, were given by Korea to commemorate the 60th anniversary of official diplomatic relations. Sixtieth anniversaries and birthdays are auspicious occasions in Korean culture.
They can be easily missed behind a wire fence on the north edge of the huge Rizal Park that is filled with so many other monuments and attractions.
They are both the work of multi-award winning Filipino artist/sculptor Juan Sajid Imao. For an interesting interview and response to his art see the Manila Bulletin Publishing article Juan Sajid Imao: Trans-formations and Translating Histories
Certainly these large stainless steel waves cause one to reflect upon the common seas that sweep the shores of both the Philippine Islands and the Peninsula and islands of Korea, jointly defended against military aggression, a symbol of the bond between the two peoples.
The text of plaque is given below, although inscriptions in English and Korean are somewhat different. The literal translation, for instance, of the Korean title for the sculpture is Mourning and Peace Memorial.
추도와 평화 기원의 탑
A stainless steel Memorial Sculpture
representing all souls of humanity united in
their cause for freedom.
Korean families and visitors who lost their
loved ones during World War II
and after can offer prayers
at Soul Waves.
The Sculptural Waves symbolize Korea and
Philippines’ sacred shores which we
protected against all forms of oppression.
for indeed, our common sacred shore is our
love for freedom.
Both “Soul Waves and the
Filipino . Korean Soldier Monument were
erected side by side to celebrate the 60th
anniversary of Diplomatic Relationship
between the Philippines and Korea as well as
to symbolize joint efforts to protect freedom
at all cost.
September 6, 2010
Oh, Byung Joo Chairman, The Commission of
Verification and Support for the Victims
Of Forced Mobilization under Japanese
Colonialism in Korea
Lee, Hye Min Ambassador,
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Park, Hyun Mo Co-Chairman, 60th Anniversary
of Korea-Philippines Diplomatic Relationship
Sculpture/Artist: Mr. Juan Sajid Imao
| 이 탑은 제2자 세계대전 때 일제에
의하여 필리핀 지역에 강제동원되어 희생된
한국인을 추모하고자 세원졌습니다.
이에, 한국인 희생자들의 넋을 위로함과
동시에 한국과 필리핀 양국의 우호 증진에
기여하고자 필리핀 국립 리잔 공원 당국의
지원하에 대한민국 정부와 한 . 비 수교 60
주년 기념위원회에서 공동으로 걱립하였습
2010 년 9 월 6일
일제 강제동원 피해조사 밎 지원위원회 오병주
주 필리핀 공화국 대한민국 대사관 대사관 대사 이헤민
한국 . 핀니핀 기념위원회 공동 위원장 박현모