Cavalry Museum
Posted by:
N 61° 03.851 E 028° 11.008
35V E 563877 N 6770513
Cavalry Museum
Waymark Code: WMB0F8
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 03/20/2011
Views: 38
In this old beautiful building is Cavalry Museum. Originally this building was a guardroom. Later nineteen seventies it converted to the cavalry museum and opened for public year 1973.
Open 6/6 - 8/21/2011:
mon-fri at 10-18, sat-sun at 11-17
In winter time open by appointment.
Opening hours: Open 6/6 - 8/21/2011: mo - fri 10-18, sat - sun 11-17
 Open all year: No
 Related web-page: [Web Link]
 Wikipedia link:: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Please supply proof of your visit such as a photo of the museum or a sign signifying same.
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