City of Dreams and Happiness Best in the World Sangju (꿈이 있는 행복도시 세계속의 으뜸 상주) - Sangju, Korea
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N 36° 25.653 E 128° 09.516
52S E 424577 N 4031700
This welcome sign arch spans the south end of the Hucheon Bridge over the Nakdong River in the city of Sangju, Korea, and bears several city mottoes. Located on both banks of the river west of the bridge is Bukcheon Citizens Park.
Waymark Code: WMAACF
Location: Gyeongsang buk do, South Korea
Date Posted: 12/12/2010
Views: 3
This arch bears several mottoes and images of the city of Sangju, famed as the Bicycle Capital of Korea, and boasting the highest number of bicycle users per capita of any city in the country, and hosting an annual bicycle festival.
In addition, the arch has several city symbols, including a tiger with persimmons, a product for which this region is famous.
One the south side:
꿈이 있는 행복도시 세계속의 으뜸 상주
Best in the World, Sangju - City of Dreams of Happiness
On the north side:
교통의 중심 자전거의 도시 상주
Sangju - City of Bicycles Amid Traffic
Type of community: Town

Visit Instructions:
More pictures of the sign would be great. Try and take a picture of yourself with it if you can!
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