Bukcheon CItizens Park (상주 북천시민공원) - Sangju, Korea
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N 36° 25.632 E 128° 09.483
52S E 424527 N 4031662
This park in the city of Sangju, Korea, sits on both sides of the Nakdong River, near the site of a historic battle with the Japanese in the 16th century. The park features themes around the city's well-known bicycle festival.
Waymark Code: WMAACA
Location: Gyeongsang buk do, South Korea
Date Posted: 12/12/2010
Views: 4
상주 북천시민공원
Bukcheon Citizen's Park - Sangju, Korea
The Nakdong River has been significantly historical throughout Korea's history, and Sangju is centrally located in the valley, being a gateway route to the Han River Valley to the north and the capital city of Seoul.
Sangju has claimed fame as the bicycle capital of Korea and there are several notable sculptures in the park commemorating that fact, and the annual bicycle festival. There are walking trails along the river, and on the north side is a large amphitheater.
The large stone, rather than bearing the name of the park says simply, "Let's Live Correctly."
Name: Bukcheon Citizen's Park (상주 북천시민공원)
 Street Location: Nakdong River
 Local Municipality: Sangju
 State/Province, etc.: Gyeongsangbukdo
 Country: Korea
 Memorial/Commemoration: Bicycle Festival
 Date Established: Unknown
 Picnic Facilities: None
 Art (murals/sculpture, etc.): Two sculptures celebrating the annual bicycle festival
 Ponds/Lakes/Streams/Rivers/Beach: Nakdong River
 Special Events: Annual Bicycle Festival
 Web Site: Not listed
 Recreational Facilities: Not listed
 Monuments/Statues: Not listed
 Fountains: Not listed
 Traditional Geocaches: Not listed

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