St. Francis of Assisi Dancing on Water - Sante Fe, New Mexico
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member GT.US
N 35° 41.197 W 105° 56.208
13S E 415234 N 3949594
This statue of St. Francis of Assisi is called St. Francis dancing on water, and is found in front of the old Cathederal Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi..
Waymark Code: WM8AAD
Location: New Mexico, United States
Date Posted: 02/27/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 18

Dedicated to the Youth of Santa Fe by the Most Rev. Micheal J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of Santa Fe New Mexico.

Wikipedia tells us this about St. Francis of Assisi:
"Saint Francis of Assisi (Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone; 1181/1182 – October 3, 1226) was a Catholic deacon and the founder of the Order of Friars Minor, more commonly known as the Franciscans.

He is known as the patron saint of animals, the environment and one of the two patrons of Italy (with Catherine of Siena), and it is customary for Catholic churches to hold ceremonies blessing animals on his feast day of 4 October."

From waymark (visit link) we learn:

Some information on St. Francis (1181-1226)
He was born at Assisi (Italy) to a wealthy cloth merchant (father), and a mother from a noble family. In his youth, Francis lived a very carefree life, spending money lavishly. When he was about 20 he went with the townsmen to fight the Perugians in a skirmish. The Perugians won, and Francis was one of the people taken hostage. He was a captive for over a year, and during this time of having very little food and belongings, he had an awakening and a yearning for a more spiritual life. Some of Francis' dreams during the next year guided him in his newly forming spiritual journey.
On a pilgrimage to Rome, he left all the money on him at the tomb of St. Peter. He also exchanged clothing with a tattered beggar and stayed to fast with them. He was determined to experience a life of poverty. After hearing a voice during one of his times of prayer, he sold many of his belongings to fund the repair of the local St. Damian's church. The church refused the money, and a despondent Francis retreated to a cave for a month. When he emerged, dirty and starving, he was taunted by the townsfolk and dragged home by his father, who beat and bound him and locked him up. Francis was freed by his mother, and immediately returned to St. Damian's. Because of his actions, he was forced by his father to give up all rights to his inheritance. Francis was eager to do this, and also stipped the clothes from his back and gave those to his father also. It was then that Francis surrendered all his worldly goods and priveleges.
He spent the next few years begging for stones in the streets of Assisi, which he needed to restore St. Damian's and two other churches (one was quite a distance away).
Francis had a heart for the lepers and this was one of his many works of charity. He began to lead a life that others admired, and they began to follow him. This group was called The Friars Minor and were given a hut to live in by the Benedictines of Monte Subasio. The First Franciscan convent formed here soon after, and many more came to follow Francis, including nobles and wealthy men.
He was canonized on July 16, 1228
Many places in the world have a blessing of animals on October 4, the date of St. Francis' death.
Associated Religion(s): Catholic

Statue Location: Cathederal Sante Fe New Mexico

Entrance Fee: free

Artist: Monika B. Kaden

Website: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the statue. A waymarker and/or GPSr is not required to be in the image but it doesn't hurt.
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