Unexploded Ammo within Canberra city limits, ACT, Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Queens Blessing
S 35° 17.469 E 149° 10.086
55H E 697155 N 6092513
I did not expect to see this sign on a public walking path in Canberra, Austalia!
Waymark Code: WM7NNT
Location: Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Date Posted: 11/14/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Outspoken1
Views: 36

The sign reads:
Unexploded ammunition may be found in this area. DO NOT HANDLE ANY SUSPICIOUS ITEMS. Report them to the nearest police."

It is located along a public walking path/bridal trail near the Australian Defence Force Academy.
Type of sign or poster: Public

Name the misspelled word: Not listed

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ornith visited Unexploded Ammo within Canberra city limits, ACT, Australia 09/15/2012 ornith visited it
2BluFish visited Unexploded Ammo within Canberra city limits, ACT, Australia 09/24/2011 2BluFish visited it
Queens Blessing visited Unexploded Ammo within Canberra city limits, ACT, Australia 11/15/2009 Queens Blessing visited it

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