Abandoned Flatiron - 21st & Broadway - Wichita, KS
N 37° 43.351 W 097° 20.129
14S E 646694 N 4176332
Abandoned flatiron on the "Top 10 At Risk" list of Wichita, Kansas.
Waymark Code: WM7G2G
Location: Kansas, United States
Date Posted: 10/21/2009
Views: 13
Originally built as an office building in the Industrial section of Wichita, just North of down town. This flatiron is adjacent to several sets of rail road tracks and near the grain elevators and stock yards so prominent in the early part of last century, when Wichita was a hub for cattle and grain.
The City of Wichita and the Historical Society have long listed this building on the top 10 list of buildings they would like to be restored. At this date, there are no parties interested in doing so.
A phone call to the city revealed no history of this building or the date it was built. A sign inside indicated it was last used as a small grocery store.
Web Address: [Web Link]
 Current use of the building.: Abandoned and boarded-up.
 Date of construction.: Not listed

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