Lavadouro de Santa Cruz
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N 38° 02.864 W 008° 42.393
29S E 525747 N 4211151
Lavadouro Público de Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Public Lavoir
Waymark Code: WM7BT9
Location: Setúbal, Portugal
Date Posted: 10/02/2009
Views: 12
It's a public lavoir dated 1958.
It has 10 individual tanks and a fountain.
It was build near the fountain and used by the population. It's still used today.
It's nearby the road and it's forbiden to wash the car there.
It has a poem in the fountain's wall:
Viandante que vais passando
torturado pela secura
descansa, refresca os pulmões
com um trago de água pura.
That means something like this:
Passing traveler
tortured by thirst
take a rest, refresh your lungs
with a gulp of pure water.
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[EN] Post a picture of you at or near the posted coordinates. If you are alone, hold your GPSr up in front of the camera or try taking a picture of you from arm's length. Also, include a brief story of your visit. [FR] Telechargez une photo de vous a ou aux alentours des coordonnees donnees. Si vous etres seul, tenez votre appareil GPSr devant l'appareil photo ou essayer de prendre une photo de vous en tenant l'appareil photo au bout de bras. Ajouter aussi une description courte de votre visite.
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