Carrousel à Honfleur, France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache
N 49° 25.234 E 000° 14.050
31U E 299420 N 5477888
[FR] Le manège est aujourd'hui indissociable de la ville et ravit les touristes comme les Honfleurais de tous âges. [EN] This carousel has developed a permanent association with the town and delights the tourists and the people of Honfleur.
Waymark Code: WM7A8J
Location: Normandie, France
Date Posted: 09/26/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member Marky
Views: 30

[FR] Depuis 1995, l'arrivée du Carrousel Palace 1900 marque le début de la saison touristique à Honfleur au même titre que la mise en place des terrasses sur le quai Sainte-Catherine.

[EN] Since 1995, the arrival of the Carousel Palace 1900 marks the beginning of the tourist season at Honfleur in the same way as the opening of the dock side restaurants.
Carousel Location: Other

Is the Carousel operational?: Yes

Does the Music work?: Yes

Cost to ride:

Hours of Operation:
10 à 20 h et même minuit durant les week-ends et fêtes.

Related Website: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Please include a photo of your self at the location or a picture of your favorite animal on that carousel.

If you are lucky enough to take a ride on your visit, tell us what animal you rode.
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André de Montbard visited Carrousel à Honfleur, France 08/19/2007 André de Montbard visited it

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