Le Musée d'art et d'histoire - Geneva, Switzerland
N 46° 11.967 E 006° 09.108
32T E 280254 N 5120151
[FR] Le Musée d'art et d'histoire abrite des collections dans les domaines de l'archéologie, des beaux-arts et des arts appliqués. [EN] Erected between 1903 and 1910 and designed as an encyclopedic museum, it covers the whole of western culture.
Waymark Code: WM757M
Location: Genève, Switzerland
Date Posted: 09/03/2009
Views: 15
[FR] Les collections du Musée sont le reflet de la grande curiosité et de l’esprit d’ouverture sur le monde qui animaient leurs auteurs et généreux donateurs. Ils s’intéressaient autant à l’archéologie ou à la porcelaine, qu’aux beaux-arts et aux arts appliqués.
Ainsi Genève est la seule ville suisse disposant d’un musée encyclopédique, réunissant des témoins essentiels de toute la culture occidentale, des origines à nos jours.
La photographie est interdite dans ce musee.
[EN] Its three sectors comprise Archaeology (prehistoric, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman); Fine Arts (some 400 paintings from the Renaissance to modern times, and sculptures by artists such as Houdon, Pradier, Rodin, Arp, Giacometti, Tinguely, etc.); Applied Arts (objects from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, such as furniture, textiles, pewterware, arms and armor).
Don’t fail to see the celebrated 15th century altarpiece by Konrad Witz, "The Miraculous Draught of Fish" and original stained glass windows, all formerly installed in Saint Peter’s Cathedral.
Photography is not permitted in this museum.
Theme: Archeology
 Street Address: Rue Charles-Galland 2
1206 Genève
 Gift Shop: yes
 Hours of Operation: Tuesday-Sunday: 10am-5pm
Closed on Monday.
 Museum Size: Medium
 Relevant Web Site: [Web Link]
 Food Court: Not Listed
 Cost: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
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