Wagon Wheel - Gimje, Korea
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
N 35° 47.430 E 126° 53.141
52S E 308925 N 3962774
This old wagon wheel is on display along with an old plow and other farm implements against a fence at a roadside farm in Gimje, Korea. This area has been famed for its rice cultivation for 2,000 years, since the early Baekje Kingdom.
Waymark Code: WM6KP1
Location: South Korea
Date Posted: 06/16/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
Views: 1

Finding a high vantage point in the city of Gimje, I spotted a hill in the distance to use as a landmark and began my trek out into the country to find the little village where I lived in 1970 as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer. On the way, I passed this display just outside of town.

This wagon wheel was probably on a cart drawn either by a cow, or possibly by the small breed of Korean horse that is no longer seen. In 1970, I saw these often, but even in the country they are seldom found.

Oh, I did find my village - and the family I lived with, still in the same house in the same village! What a great reunion.
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