Keyhole Canyon Dry Waterfall
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member mojave_rattler
N 35° 42.880 W 114° 55.500
11S E 687699 N 3954286
A dry waterfall within Keyhole Canyon on the edge of the Elderado Valley South of Boulder City
Waymark Code: WM5N1X
Location: Nevada, United States
Date Posted: 01/24/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 37

The best times to find water flowing over this water fall would be during or just after a good rain storm or after a few inches of snow.
Type: Horsetail

Parking Coordinates: N 35° 42.935 W 114° 55.585


Waterfall Height: 100

Seasonality: Seasonal

Viewpoint: Bottom

Path Up and Down: None

Walk Behind: Fully

Seasons of Best Flow: Not listed

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