Plato's Cave - Copenhagen, Denmark
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member præceptor
N 55° 40.051 E 012° 34.602
33U E 347585 N 6171738
A sculptural interpretation of Plato's Cave
Waymark Code: WM53XH
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 11/07/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 62


At Islands Brygge at the Port of Copenhagen a sculptural interpretation of Plato's Cave is placed. The analogy of the Cave is familiar to many of us. As Socrates suggests reality, and in particular our own position within reality, is not as it seems, and the analogy of The Cave represents one of the essential doctrines of Plato based on the Socrates suggestion.

Title: Plato's Cave

Artist: Christian Lemmerz

Media (materials) used: Marble

Location (specific park, transit center, library, etc.): At the quayside of the harbour of Copenhagen

Date of creation or placement: 1997

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