Arboretum - Island Park - Portage la Prairie MB
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N 49° 57.905 W 098° 17.470
14U E 550836 N 5534989
This Arboretum is in Portage la Prairie's Island Park. Closest access is off the Splash Island parking lot.
Waymark Code: WM4XQY
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Date Posted: 10/11/2008
Views: 25
The Arboretum is an educational collection of over 300 different prairie hardy trees, shrubs and vines that covers 4 acres. The Arboretum is free and wheel chair accessible.
Arboretum address: Island Park Portage la Prairie, MB Canada
 Arboretum web site: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
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To log this waymark, you must be able to prove to the waymark owner that you were at the arboretum in question.
Post a photo of an identifiably part of the Arboretum, having your GPS in the photo would be a good idea. In addition, but optional, you may include a a photo and latitude/longitude coordinates of a favorite tree/shrub specimen.