Aire de Jeux dans le parc du Château de Chantilly
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache
N 49° 11.685 E 002° 29.727
31U E 463240 N 5449228
[FR] Cet aire de jeux se trouve a cote du "hameau" dans le parc du Château de Chantilly [EN] This playground is located next to the "hamlet" on the grounds of the Chantilly castle.
Waymark Code: WM45YZ
Location: France
Date Posted: 07/12/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Shorelander
Views: 35

[FR] L'entree pour des enfants de moins de 18 ans est gratuit.

[EN] Entrance to the park for children less than 18 years of age is free.
Hours of Operation: From: 10:00 AM To: 5:00 PM

Restrooms Available: yes

Recommended for travelers?: yes

Entrance Fee: 5.00 (listed in local currency)

Playground Owned/Managed By:
Chateau de Chantilly

Park Entrance: Not Listed

Seasonal?: Not Listed

Business?: Not Listed

Playground Web Page: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Chin-Up Bars To log a Visit, please make every effort to supply an image of yourself at the site. The standard GPS photo may be used as well, or even just an image that you took when you visited the location. If you do not have the option to provide an image, please provide a detailed description of your visit so we can form a 'mental image'.
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