Ottertail Lake Dam - Rydal Bank, Ontario
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Lakeport
N 46° 21.918 W 083° 44.534
17T E 289067 N 5138290
Located along Hwy 638 right within the village.
Waymark Code: WM42DQ
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date Posted: 06/27/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member NFreitas
Views: 67

This dam was created to help with the water control for the 3 lakes on the Thessalon River system. It is nestle just north of the Hwy 638 bridge in the core of Rydal Bank and can be seen right from the bridge itself, but be careful, the bridge is a one lane bridge only and the westbound traffic has a somewhat hard time seeing traffic on the bridge till they are almost right on top of it.

Parking is available at 46D 21.909, 083D 44.585 if you want to get out of your car and check out the dam a little closer.
Waterway where the dam is located: Thessalon River

Main use of the Water Dam: Flood Control

Material used in the structure: masonry

Height of Dam: Not listed

Date built: Not listed

Fishing Allowed: Not Listed

Motor Sports Allowed: Not Listed

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