Rathje Mill Chimney - Peotone, IL
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N 41° 19.947 W 087° 47.890
16T E 433211 N 4575970
The chimney for the former steam engine house for the Rathje Mill.
Waymark Code: WM3YY8
Location: Illinois, United States
Date Posted: 06/08/2008
Views: 14
As the sails for the windmill began to deteriorate, Henry Rathje removed the armatures and connected the milling operation to a steam engine house in 1886. The steam power was much more reliable than harnessing wind energy.
By 1917 the mill ceased production and was closed. Family history dictates a tornado in the 1920's demolished the steam engine house but kept the chimney and mill standing. The proximity of the structures to each other make this story hard to believe, but stranger things have happened with tornados. Suffice it to say, a strong wind storm was the cause of the engine house's demise.
In the end, all that remains is an armless windmill facing the street and a lonely chimney guarding the rear.
When you visit you may be confronted by a descendant of the Rathje's and the leading force behind the Historical Society of Greater Peotone. She keeps a close eye on her pride and joy. Do not keep a low profile like you would for a geocache. If you ask the right questions, she may let you thumb through her scrapbook about Rathje Mill.
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