Les bunkers allemands de Saint–Germain–en–Laye
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache
N 48° 53.901 E 002° 05.841
31U E 433844 N 5416548
[FR] A partir de janvier 1942 la ville devient le siège de l’Oberkommando West [EN] From January, 1942, the town of Saint-Germain-en-Laye became the headquarters of the Western German High Command.
Waymark Code: WM37D3
Location: France
Date Posted: 02/22/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member The Leprechauns
Views: 82

[FR] Dès juin 1940, les forces d'occupation allemandes s'installent dans les belles demeures de Saint-Germain-en-Laye , mais à partir de janvier 1942 la ville devient le siège de l’Oberkommando West (Haut Commandement des forces Ouest de l'armée allemande) avec le Feldmarschal Gerd Von Runsdtedt à sa tête. L'état-major est d'abord installé dans le pavillon Henri IV mais déménage vers la Villa David après qu'une bombe ait endommagé le pavillon Henri IV le 3 mars 1942. Cet incident donne le signal de départ d'une frénésie de construction de bunkers à travers toute la ville.

Ces nombreux blockhaus et abris bétonnés construits par l'Organisation Todt sont encore visibles de nos jours.

Le plus visible des blockhaus est sans conteste ce gros abri passif de 135 m2 dans les jardins du château.

[EN] Already in June 1940, the German occupational forces had moved into the beautiful residences of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, but in January 1942, the town became the headquarters of the High Command of the Western Forces of the German Army lead by the Field Marshall Gerd Von Runsdtedt. The general staff was first set up in the Henri IV pavillion but moved into the villa David after a bomb damaged the Henri IV pavillion on March 3, 1942. This incident resulted in the frenetic construction of bunkers all across town.

The numerous blockhouses and concrete shelters constructed by the Todt organization are still visible today.

The most visible blockhouse is without a doubt the large passive shelter measuring 135 m2 in the garden of the Saint-Germain chateau.
Related Website: [Web Link]

Admission Fee: Free

Opening Days/Times:
24 x 7

Supplementary Related Website: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Posting a picture(s) of the location would be nice although not required.
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