Torre, Serra da Estrela Mountain Range, Portugal
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SUp3rFM & Cruella
N 40° 19.321 W 007° 36.787
29T E 617827 N 4464421
Torre, in Serra da Estrela is the highest mountain summit in mainland Portugal's highest peak which has a natural altitude of 1,993 m (around 6,541 feet), on the highest point.
Waymark Code: WM35TN
Location: Portugal
Date Posted: 02/15/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member cache_test_dummies
Views: 156

The mountain range, situated between the municipalities of Seia and Covilhã, is about 100 km (62.13 miles) long and is 30 km (18.64 miles) at its widest point. It is formed from a huge granite ridge that once formed the southern frontier of the country. Due to its bizarrely shaped crags and gorges, mountain streams and lakes, beautiful forests and magnificent views, the area ranks among Portugal’s outstanding scenic attractions.

In the summit there's the only ski resort in Portugal offering lots of fun to the visitors.
Altitude in Feet: 6541

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