Chantilly, France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache
N 49° 11.543 E 002° 27.952
31U E 461082 N 5448979
[FR] Ancienne hotel particulier qui etait rachete par la ville de Chantilly en 1937 pour devenir le hotel de ville. [EN] A former mansion that was purchased by the city of Chantilly to serve as the town hall.
Waymark Code: WM30YT
Location: Hauts-de-France, France
Date Posted: 01/22/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 67

[FR] Habitee en 1862, cette demeure etait rattachee a une propriete qui fut amenagee des 1889 pour accueillir de grandes ecuries de courses. En 1937, les heritiers du comte de Bethune vendirent cet hotel particulier a la ville qui y installa la mairie.

[EN] A residence in 1862, from 1889 this mansion was associated with the horse racing business. In 1937, the heirs of the count of Bethune sold it to the city which turned it into the town hall.
Name: Hotel de Ville - Chantilly, France

Chantilly, France

Web Site for City/Town/Municipality: [Web Link]

Date of Construction: Not listed

Architect: Not listed

Memorials/Commemorations/Dedications: Not listed

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Al-cab visited Chantilly, France 04/23/2015 Al-cab visited it