Artists' Colony Museum - Darmstadt, Germany
N 49° 52.596 E 008° 40.098
32U E 476167 N 5524963
The Museum is housed in the Ernst-Ludwig-Haus, the former atelier building of the Darmstadt Artists´ Colony. The Colony is known for its art nouveau objects and architecture referred to as Jugendstil in German.
Waymark Code: WM2R3N
Location: Hessen, Germany
Date Posted: 12/11/2007
Views: 103
Non-flash photography is permitted in this museum.
The museum provides a summary of the works of the artist members of Darmstadt´s Mathildenhöhe artists´ colony from 1899 to the beginning of the First World War.
The focus is on items of everyday use, although other types of "applied art" are also represented. The collection pays tribute to the broad spectrum of Jugendstil forms.
The Ernst-Ludwig-Haus was built according to the plans of Joseph M. Olbrich.
Name: Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt
 Location: Mathildenhöhe,
Alexandraweg 26,
 Phone Number: +49 6151 / 13 33 85
 Web Site: [Web Link]
 Agency/Ownership: Public
 Hours of operation: Open Tuesday to Sunday 10 to 5
 Admission Fee: €5.00
 Gift Shop: yes
 Cafe/Restaurant: no

Visit Instructions:
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