Spirit Form: Emerging - Henderson, NV
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N 36° 01.288 W 115° 05.195
11S E 672414 N 3988022
We spotted this large bronze sculpture while shopping at the nearby REI store in "The District at Green Valley Ranch".
Waymark Code: WM2EP0
Location: Nevada, United States
Date Posted: 10/21/2007
Views: 35
Riis Burwell has created several large, outdoor sculptures, including this one. The following two paragraphs are from www.riisburwell.com and describe the background to this beautiful sculpture:
"This project came together right after the September 11, 2001 tragedy. The initial direction from the Director of Innkeeper Associates was for the 5 artists selected for the project to design a group response as a memorial to those who died that day. We collaborated as a group on our specific design approaches, but we each came up with our own artistic interpretation. My sculpture was inspired by the horrible image of the towers falling. My mind was set on all of the people that died and all of the spirit involved in that moment.
"This sculpture is my attempt to come to an understanding of the impact of what happened to all of us. The title, Spirit Form: Emerging is meant as a tribute to the collective spirit of those who perished that day as well as all of us who remain and were transformed by that event. Spirit Form: Emerging reflects the transition of so many souls from one state of being to another."
Spirit Form: Emerging was commissioned by American Nevada Company.
Title: Spirit Form Emerging
 Artist: Riis Burwell
 Media (materials) used: Bronze
 Location (specific park, transit center, library, etc.): The District at Green Valley Ranch
 Date of creation or placement: 2004

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