Van Hise Rock
N 43° 29.346 W 089° 54.943
16T E 264232 N 4819261
The material of this rock was once sand on the sea bottom, and has since hardened into Quartzite. It was tilted to the present position by a slow earth movement, and then separated from the adjacent cliff by erosion.
Waymark Code: WM257T
Location: Wisconsin, United States
Date Posted: 09/06/2007
Views: 73
The vertical light and dark bands represent the original layers. The inclined cracks in the dark layer were caused by the readjustment in the layers during the tilting.
This rock is pictured in geologic books as a type illustrating important principles of structural geology, and has been a point of special interest to many investigators in geology visiting the region. President Charles R. Van Hise of the University of Wisconsin was one of the first and foremost of these.
Please do not deface.
Tablet presented by friends of Van Hise at the University of Wisconsin.
This outcrop of Baraboo Quartzite, located in the Baraboo Hills and known as Van Hise Rock, has been the focus of national and international scientific interest for over one hundred years. The rock is named in honor of University of Wisconsin Professor Charles R. Van Hise (1857-1918), renowned geologist, conservationist and President of the University of Wisconsin. In the 1890's, Van Hise used this outcrop to demonstrate the kinds of changes that occur in rocks during periods of mountain formation. Van Hise's oberservations of the Baraboo Hills would help to develop his groundbreaking concepts of structural and metamorphic geology. Later, these concepts would be universally accepted as the principles of structural geology. Van Hise Rock has become the single most important locality to demonstrate these principles. Countless geologists and students visit Van Hise Rock and the Baraboo Hills as a geologic mecca and continue to learn from this exceptionally diverse geologic laboratory. (Erected 1999)
Waymark is confirmed to be publicly accessible: yes
 Parking Coordinates: N 43° 29.200 W 089° 54.944
 Access fee (In local currency): .00
 Requires a high clearance vehicle to visit.: no
 Requires 4x4 vehicle to visit.: no
 Public Transport available: no
 Website reference: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
No specific requirements, just have fun visiting the waymark.