Brown-Lowery Provincial Park - near Turner Valley, Alberta
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N 50° 49.240 W 114° 26.376
11U E 680341 N 5633007
Located approximately 40 km southwest of Calgary, Brown-Lowery is a little known (and therefore usually not crowded) natural area park.
Waymark Code: WM234Y
Location: Alberta, Canada
Date Posted: 08/27/2007
Views: 53
In 1969, Home Oil Company Limited donated this natural area to the province, in memory of the company's founders: Robert Brown Sr. and Major James Robert Lowery. Both men were pioneers of Alberta's oil industry and took part in the early development of the nearby Turner Valley oilfield.
Situated in ranching country, this 228-hectare park is a lovely preserve of old-growth white spruce and aspen forest. In low-lying areas, marshes fed by tiny streams support wetland vegetation including cow parsnips. Birds found within Brown-Lowery are typical of the coniferous forest. In winter, this is one of the best places around Calgary to look for Three-toed and Black-backed Woodpeckers.
The trail system consists of footpaths, cutlines and an old logging road. The terrain is hilly, but walking is not difficult. You will have to make a bit of a climb to reach the best overlook in the park – Eagleview (see photo). There is trail signage at most trail intersections, so you can readily find your way back to the parking area. There is a tumble-down old sawmill located at the north end of the Old Mill Loop trail (see photo).