North Bend State Park - Ritchie County, West Virginia
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N 39° 13.161 W 081° 06.572
17S E 490544 N 4341124
North Bend State Park is located near the town of Cairo, on State Park Road in Ritchie County, West Virginia.
Waymark Code: WM224W
Location: West Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 08/22/2007
Views: 76
North bend State Park is near the town of Cairo, in Ritchie County West Virginia. The park is easily accessible from four lane U.S. Route 50 at the junction with WV 31 and follow to Cairo or junction with WV 16 and follow to Harrisville.
The park includes a lodge, deluxe cabins, restaurant, swimming pool, boat rental, bike rental, hiking and campground.
Park Type: Day use with overnight campground
 Activities: Swimming, biking, hiking, boating, and North Bend Rail Trail near by.
 Background: North Bend State Park sits on 2400 acres with a 305 acre lake. The park was established in the early 1950's and was named after the sharp bend in the Hughes River that formes three sides of the park boundary.
 Date Established?: 1950's
 Link to Park: [Web Link]
 Park Fees: Not listed
 Additional Entrance Points: Not Listed

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