Morton Arboretum
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N 41° 49.051 W 088° 04.402
16T E 410852 N 4630072
This 1,700 acre site was founded in 1922 by Joy Morton of Morton Salt fame. He is also the son of J. Sterling Morton who founded Arbor Day.
Waymark Code: WM1T2H
Location: Illinois, United States
Date Posted: 07/04/2007
Views: 74
With over 4,000 plants over 1,700 acres, it takes more than one day to fully appreciate the Morton Arboretum. In the spring, my family comes to gaze at the flowers. In the summer, to hike under the trees. In the fall, to collect a few leaves and leaf rubbings.
To visit, you either have to be a member (like we are) of the Morton Arboretum (or reciprocal organization) or pay the daily entrance fee.
The current daily fees are $11.00 for Adults (18–64), $10.00 for Seniors (65+), and $8.00 for Children (3–17). Two-year-olds and under are Free! And there are admission discounts on Wednesdays.
The Morton Arboretum is open 365 days a year. The grounds open at 7:00 a.m. and close at sunset.
Arboretum address: 4100 IL Route 53 Lisle, IL USA 60532
 Arboretum web site: [Web Link]

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Post a photo of an identifiably part of the Arboretum, having your GPS in the photo would be a good idea. In addition, but optional, you may include a a photo and latitude/longitude coordinates of a favorite tree/shrub specimen.