Texas at Elkhorn Tavern
N 36° 27.242 W 094° 06.899
15S E 400086 N 4034886
Texas Historical Marker remembering the valor of her sons at Elkhorn Tavern
Waymark Code: WM1R85
Location: Arkansas, United States
Date Posted: 06/29/2007
Views: 103
Remembers the valor and devotion of her sons who served at Elkhorn Tavern
(Pea Ridge,Arkansas)
March 7-8,1862
In Van Dorn's attack of March 7 these Texas units under Brig. Gen. McCullogh assaulted the Union right center.
3rd Texas Cavalry(South Kansas-Texas Regt.)-Col.Elkanah Greer,Lt. Col. Walter P. Lane(attacked the 3rd Texas Cavalry)
6th Texas Cavalry -Col. B.W. Stone
Young's(11th) Texas Cavalry-Lt. Col.James J. Diamond
Sim's (9th) Texas Cavalry- Col.William Sims,Lt. Col. William Quayle
Whitfield's(4th) Texas Cavalry BN. Maj. John W. Whitfield
Texas units supporting Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's flank attack on the Union extreme left and rear was Good's Battery-Capt. J.J. Good
Brig. Gen Ben McCullogh of Texas was killed in the action.
"A bolder soldier never died for his country".Van Dorn
A memorial to the Texans who served in the Confederacy
Erected by the State of Texas 1964
Marker Number: -none-
 Marker Text: TEXAS
Remembers the valor and devotion of her sons who served at Elkhorn Tavern(Pea Ridge,Arkansas)
March 7-8,1862
In Van Dorn's attack of March 7 these Texas units under Brig. Gen. McCullogh assaulted the Union right center.
3rd Texas Cavalry(South Kansas-Texas Regt.)-Col.Elkanah Greer,Lt. Col. Walter P. Lane(attacked the 3rd Texas Cavalry)
6th Texas Cavalry -Col. B.W. Stone
Young's(11th) Texas Cavalry-Lt. Col.James J. Diamond
Sim's (9th) Texas Cavalry- Col.William Sims,Lt. Col. William Quayle
Whitfield's(4th) Texas Cavalry BN. Maj. John W. Whitfield
Texas units supporting Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's flank attack on the Union extreme left and rear was Good's Battery-Capt. J.J. Good
Brig. Gen Ben McCullogh of Texas was killed in the action.
"A bolder soldier never died for his country".Van Dorn
A memorial to the Texans who served in the Confederacy
Erected by the State of Texas 1964

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