Cruz Alta, Bussaco, Portugal
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SUp3rFM & Cruella
N 40° 22.267 W 008° 21.958
29T E 553826 N 4469141
The Cruz Alta is set on a belvedere over the Mata do Bussaco, in Portugal. From the spot you can enjoy a breathtaking view of all the region.
Waymark Code: WM1Q38
Location: Portugal
Date Posted: 06/21/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member TheBeanTeam
Views: 56

It was built on a belveder at 549meters of altitude in the Bussaco mountain range. Enjoy its views and the cross!
Type of cross: Latin cross

Material used: Stone (granite, sandstone, marble, ...)

Characteristics of this cross:
It has two tones. Probably the black stones are basalt and the with ones are marble.

Describe the location:
On a very nice belvedere

Is this cross commemorative ?: Don't know...

Year of manufacture: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Post at least one photograph of this cross.
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Lima_Paço visited Cruz Alta, Bussaco, Portugal 11/26/2010 Lima_Paço visited it
isioux visited Cruz Alta, Bussaco, Portugal 02/21/2010 isioux visited it
Tico e Teco visited Cruz Alta, Bussaco, Portugal 06/10/2007 Tico e Teco visited it

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