Cambodunum (Kempten) - Kleine Thermen
N 47° 43.663 E 010° 19.620
32T E 599507 N 5286890
In the second half of the 1st century A.D., the palace of the Roman governor of the province of Raetia was extended to include bathing facilities for the governor, his staff and guests - the small thermal baths.
Waymark Code: WM1BHD
Location: Bayern, Germany
Date Posted: 03/25/2007
Views: 78
When the capital of the province moved from Cambodunum northward to Augusta Vindelicum (Augsburg), the governor relinquished his palace, which was subsequently converted into a guesthouse. The small thermae were now a "bath-house" for visitors and a new public latrine was installed. Today, after almost 2000 years, the original foundation walls, floors, heating cellars, drains and ditches of these thermal baths have been uncovered. They constitute the second stage in the archaelogical park Cambodunum. The central area of this bathing facility is now protected by a modern glass-and-steel construction circumscribed by a continous ramp which enables the visitors to view the excavations from all sides.
The information panels are in German but a brief pamphlet is available in English. This should not deter a visit to this amazing site.
The typical 3 parts of any Roman bath are clearly visible, the caldarium (hot bath), tepidarium (warm bath), and the frigidarium (cold bath). The latrines and a sauna are also clearly visible.
The €3.00 admission price also covers the nearby temple precinct.
Most Relevant Historical Period: Roman Empire > 27 B.C.
 Admission Fee: €3.00
 Opening days/times: Daily, closed Mondays
1. May - 31. October: 10:00 - 17:00
1. November - 30. April: 10:00 - 16:30
Closed from mid December to mid March.
 Web Site: [Web Link]
 Condition: Partly intact or reconstructed

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