Nykurin - Vágar, Faroe Islands
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Walking Boots
N 62° 04.205 W 007° 15.323
29V E 591160 N 6883213
Nykorin is a dangerous sea creature that lures people close, before dragging them into the lake. It can take many forms, but often as a beautiful horse.
Waymark Code: WM16XKA
Location: Faroe Islands
Date Posted: 10/25/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 2

Nykorin (The Nix) is a dangerous sea creature that lures people close, before dragging them into the lake. It can take many forms, but often as a beautiful grey horse. It is in many lakes, but here it is Leitisvatn.

Its beauty tempts people to touch it. But when they do, they get stuck and are trapped, after which Nykorin drag them under the water and drowns them.
The Nykurin´s weakness is that if someone calls its name aloud, the creature will lose all of its power and retreat to the depths from which it came.

Source: (visit link)
Time Period: Middle Ages

Epic Type: Mythical

Exhibit Type: Figure, Statue, 3D Art

Approximate Date of Epic Period: Not listed

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