"American Legion Post 26", Davenport, IA
N 41° 33.346 W 090° 34.975
15T E 701570 N 4603277
Located in the front of the building
Waymark Code: WM141X
Location: Iowa, United States
Date Posted: 01/07/2007
Views: 58
You must use the driveway to the west of the building. The only indication for Post 26 is a sign near the entrance into the building. The entrance is located at the front of the building.
American Legion Post 26 was instrumental in building a new Veterans Memorial in Davenport. They also sponsor High School after prom parties, Boy Scouts, Camp Courageous (handicapped children, and other groups. Davenport Post 26 was Charted in September 1920. It is currently located at 1111 1/2 West 35th St., Davenport, IA.