Umístení: Ludmírov, u budovy hasicské zbrojnice
1914 - 1918
Josef Mazal, *9/8 1886 +23/9 1914
Alois Novotný, *27/4 1899 +12/9 1921
Rudolf Jedlicka, *20/9 1880 +29/7 1917
Cyril Svozil, *11/11 1880 n. 27/10 1914
Ludvík Navrátil *25/8 1878 nez.
1. svetová válka prinesla velké utrpení predevším obycejných lidí, miliony mužu byly vehnány na zákopu kruté války. Byli mezi nimi i dobrovolní hasici. Všichni bojeschopní muži od 18 do 50 let museli narukovat. Vojenskou uniformu muselo obléknout 85 tisíc dobrovolných hasicu z Cech i z Moravy. Odchod clenstva v produktivním veku a vedoucích cinovníku na frontu citelne narušil cinnost hasicských sboru. Mimo jiné Zemská ústrední hasicská jednota království ceského 1. srpna 1914 vydala narízení, podle nehož se musely narychlo tvorit ženská družstva, dívcí i jinošské družiny nebo pomocné skupiny z clenu jin ý ch spolku. V nejednom prípade bylo nutné do hasicské služby povolat i starce. Národy vysílené válkou toužebne vyhlížely konec krutého celosvetového konfliktu. Dockaly se ho 11. listopadu 1918. Na válecných frontách padly miliony vojáku a zemrely miliony civilistu lidí. Z 85 000 tisíc hasicu, kterí z ceských zemí narukovalo, padlo více než 11 000 prímo v bojích a více jak dva a pul tisíce jich zemrelo následkem válecných útrap. Každý šestý muž, který svlékl hasicský stejnokroj a oblékl vojenskou uniformu, se nevrátil k vlastní rodine a do svého hasicského sboru.
Location: Ludmírov, near the building of the fire station
1914 - 1918
Josef Mazal, * 9/8 1886 +23/9 1914
Alois Novotný, * 27/4 1899 +12/9 1921
Rudolf Jedlicka, * 20/9 1880 +29/7 1917
Cyril Svozil, * 11/11 1880 No. 27/10 1914
Ludvík Navrátil * 25/8 1878 nez.
World War I brought great suffering, especially to ordinary people, millions of men were driven into the trenches of the brutal war. Volunteer firefighters were among them. All able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 50 had to enlist. The military uniform had to be worn by 85,000 volunteer firefighters from Bohemia and Moravia. The departure of members of working age and senior officials to the front significantly disrupted the activities of fire brigades. Among other things, on August 1, 1914, the Provincial Central Fire Brigade of the Kingdom of the Czech Republic issued an ordinance, according to which women's teams, girls' and other clubs or auxiliary groups from members of other associations had to be formed in a hurry. In many cases, it was necessary to call an old man to the fire service. The nations exhausted by the war longed for the end of the cruel global conflict. They survived it on November 11, 1918. Millions of soldiers fell on the war fronts and millions of civilians died. Of the 85,000 thousand firefighters enlisted in the Czech lands, more than 11,000 died directly in the fighting, and more than two and a half thousand died as a result of the hardships of war. Every sixth man who took off his firefighter's uniform and military uniform did not return to his own family and fire brigade.
(source: Alarm Revue of Firefighters and Rescuers 5/2018)
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