Arresten i Faaborg - Fyn -Danmark
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Walking Boots
N 55° 05.709 E 010° 14.505
32U E 579242 N 6106083
Det tidligere fængsel er nu et fængselsmuseum...The former prison is now a prison museum ...
Waymark Code: WM12723
Location: Region Syddanmark, Denmark
Date Posted: 03/16/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 5

Arresthuset i Faaborg ligger op til det centrale torv i byen og er en tilbygning til det gamle Faaborg Rådhus fra 1840. Før det nuværende arresthus blev bygget til på bagsiden af rådhuset i 1929, havde arresten befundet sig inde i selve rådhuset, i to små fangehuller i kælderen. I princippet indeholdt rådhuset i Faaborg både byens udøvende og dømmende magt.
Arresten blev nedlagt i 1989.
Arresten er nu omdannet til Fængselsmuseum.

The prison house in Faaborg is located up to the central square in the city and is an extension to the old Faaborg Town Hall from 1840. Before the current arrest house was built on the back of the town hall in 1929, the arrest had been inside the town hall itself, in two small dungeons. in the basement. In principle, the city hall in Faaborg contained both the executive and the judicial power of the city.
The arrest was discontinued in 1989.
The arrest has now been turned into a Prison Museum. Visit the arrest and learn about justice and punishment. Here you come close to both history and present in a Danish prison house.
Torvet 19
Faaborg, Denmark

Open to the public: Yes

10.00 am - 16.00 pm

Adult : 60 kr Children: Free

Web link: [Web Link]

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kallehaugerne visited Arresten i Faaborg - Fyn -Danmark 09/02/2021 kallehaugerne visited it