Granitkugle - Nyborg - Denmark
N 55° 18.689 E 010° 47.520
32U E 613735 N 6130916
Granitkugle midt i byen....Kugel ball in the town
Waymark Code: WM1262Q
Location: Region Syddanmark, Denmark
Date Posted: 03/08/2020
Views: 6
In the center of Nyborg this beautiful Kugel ball is placed. The surrounding shops and cafes make a living, and so many people pass the ball every day.
The Kugel Ball is not in use in winter.
The Kugel ball is made by Hans Broch-Mikkelsen
Unknown title
year of assembly 1997
I bymidten af Nyborg er denne flotte granit kugle placeret. De omkringliggende butikker og cafeer skaber liv, og mange mennesker passerer derfor kuglen hver dag.
Kuglen er udført af Hans Broch-Mikkelsen
Ukendt titel
opstillingsår 1997
Where is this ball located: In the town center, Nyborg
In use?: Yes
Material: Granit
Can you push it around?: Yes
Visit Instructions:
Describe your experience at the Kugel. Attempt to include a photograph of it.
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