Kid's Planet Sensory Garden - Congleton, Cheshire, UK.
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Poole/Freeman
N 53° 09.756 W 002° 12.757
30U E 552642 N 5890648
The Kid's Planet Sensory Garden is a small teaching garden located on Moody Street in Congleton.
Waymark Code: WM1242N
Location: North West England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 02/22/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bluesnote
Views: 6

The Sensory Garden located on Moody Street was created in 2017 and offers a tranquil space not just for children but for everyone to enjoy.

The garden has five planted areas based on the five senses, it also has seating, murals, carvings, and bird feeders. A gate was added so that parents and nurseries didn’t need to worry about little ones running out onto the road when using the garden.
A plaque located on the wall acknowledges that the garden won the 'Little Gem' award in 2018.

14th November 2018
Kids Planet Day Nursery in Congleton has been presented with two certificates as part of the town’s ‘In Bloom’ efforts to make Congleton a cleaner and greener place.
With support from Congleton in Partnership, an under-used garden area in Moody Street has been transformed into a vibrant sensory space suitable for people of all ages to relax and enjoy. Children from the Ofsted Outstanding nursery based on Chapel Street have been involved in planting and producing brightly coloured posters, made into plaques for displays around the garden. They have also provided a number of bird feeders to create a haven for wildlife.
Receiving the accolades at the ‘In Bloom’ awards’ celebration evening was Nursery Manager, Gail Ollier, “We’re absolutely thrilled to have been presented with the awards which recognise the effort our children and staff have put into making the Moody Street garden a fabulous space for the whole community to enjoy”." SOURCE: (visit link)

(visit link)
Fees: 0.00 (listed in local currency)

Bathrooms nearby?: No

Address: Not listed

Location (specific park it is located within): Not listed

Hands-on or educational programs: Not listed

Garden's website: Not listed

Telephone number: Not listed

Parking: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
All logs must be the result of an actual visit to the children's garden. Write a description about your visit to the garden. A photo of one of your favorite elements of the garden would also be a nice addition, but not mandatory.
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