ISS Sighting-Edmond, OK-Olathe,KS-Waterloo, IA-Ottawa, Canada-Brunete,Spain-Site5
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Wizard_Speed_Time
N 40° 23.294 W 004° 00.903
30T E 413847 N 4471344
Max and 99 partnered with Picarax for this ISS Sighting.
Waymark Code: WM10J7Q
Location: Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
Date Posted: 05/14/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member 8Nuts MotherGoose
Views: 21

The ISS passed over Madrid the morning of May 19, about 5:20 a.m. It was bright, with an altitude of 88°. I was there at that hour watching the ISS.

The horizon straight in front is 0. Straight up is 90º. Halfway between the horizon and straight up is 45º. So at the highest point from the view, the ISS was almost directly above me. It started at the NW very close to 05:18:24, and was almost overhead at little towards NE at 05:21, going out of view at about 05:25 at the SE. At -3.9 brightness, it was easily the brightest thing in the sky! It took approximately 6 1/2 minutes for the ISS to cross the sky in my view.

This was a great opportunity here, with that brightness and that altitude, and time for it to cross. An IDEAL viewing pass!


I selected this point in the country far away from the big city with very few light pollution in order to enjoy the ISS for the very first time (but not last for sure).

I visited the place at daytime to ensure it was accessible and to take some pictures of the spot.

Later at night 5 minutes before the ISS crossed over me I was there waiting impatiently. The ISS appeared and crossed the sky so fast I couldn't believe it. The best moment was when it was just above me. So bright, so marvelous. I had passed the day before watching videos on board and I was enjoying that moment so much...
I said good bye meanwhile it was onto the distant Mediterranean sea but still visible in the sky :) taking the promise this will not be the last sighting I would enjoy.

Thanks Max and 99 for giving me the opportunity of this moment. Hoping the next time we can share this together.
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Wizard_Speed_Time visited ISS Sighting-Edmond, OK-Olathe,KS-Waterloo, IA-Ottawa, Canada-Brunete,Spain-Site5 05/19/2019 Wizard_Speed_Time visited it