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Mostovi in razgledi/Bridges and Views Multi-cache

Hidden : 4/18/2011
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Geocache Description:

Želimo vam predstaviti 6 mostov in 2 razgleda.

We want to present you 6 bridges and 2 views.

Katja, Maruša & Saša, SUAŠ Ljubljana

Ta geozaklad smo pripravile v okviru Comeniusovega projekta Dijaki kartirajo okolico, kjer živijo (CosuMap). Ceprav smo geozaklad izdelale z namenom, da vrstnikom iz partnerskih šol v Aachnu, Eupnu in Maastrictu pokažemo del Ljubljane, je seveda namenjen vsem, ki s pomocjo GPSov radi raziskujete, išcete in najdete.

More about our project: (visit link)

This geocache has been made as part of the Comenius project Students Map their World (CosuMap). Although the geocache has primarily been made in order to show some parts of Ljubljana to our peers from the partner schools in Aachen, Eupen and Maastricht, it is of course intended for everybody who likes to explore, look for something, and, with the help of a GPS device, find it.

1. tocka
Šempetrski most - N46° 03.028 E014° 30.984
Naš sprehod se zacne na Šempetrskem mostu. Prvi, lesen most je bil tu postavljen leta 1774. Ob gradnji tramvaja so dodali še en lesen most s tramvajsko progo. Gradnja novega, sedanjega mostu, se je zaradi prve svetovne vojne zavlekla, zato je bil most dograjen leta 1918. Cezenj je stekel tudi tramvajski promet, stari tramvajski most pa so prestavili na Prule.

Šempeter Bridge
Our walk starts on Šempeter Bridge.The original wooden bridge was built in 1774. During the construction of a tramway system, a wooden tramway bridge was built in addition to the original one. The construction of the present bridge was delayed by World War I and completed in 1918. As the new bridge was also opened to tram traffic, the old tramway bridge was moved to the suburbs of Prule.

Koordinate naslednje tocke: N46° 03.0AB E014° 30.(A-D)CD
A = število crk v imenu nabrežja (prva beseda), kjer je zelena hiša številka 67, – 2
B = število dimnikov na zeleni hiši
C = število crk v imenu kavarne (druga beseda) na Petkovškovem nabrežju
D = število cerkvenih zvonikov, ki jih vidite z mostu

Next coordinates: N46° 03.0AB E014° 30.(A-D)CD
A = the number of letters in the name of the embankment (the first word) where the green house no 67 is – 2
B = the number of chimneys on the green house
C = the number of letters in the second word of the name of the cafe at Petkovškovo nabrežje embankment
D = the number of church belfries seen from the bridge

2. tocka
Žitni most
Ime je dobil po Ambroževem trgu, ki so ga v letih 1876 - 1898 imenovali Žitni trg, ker so na njem prodajali žito. Arhitekt Žitnega mostu je Boris Podrecca. Odprt je bil dne 24. 8. 2010.

Grain Bridge
Grain Bridge was named after the nearby Ambrož Square, whose name was Grain Square between 1876 and 1898 because it was used for the grain trade. The architect of the bridge is Boris Podrecca. The bridge was opened on 24 August 2010.

Koordinate naslednje tocke: N46° 03.AAB E 014° 30.CD0
A = (angleško poimenovanje mostu) število crk v drugi besedi – število crk v prvi besedi
B = število crk v priimku ljubljanskega župana na spominski plošci, ki je na klopi – A
C = število klopi na mostu × D
D = vsota števil letnice izgradnje mostu

Next coordinates: N46° 03.AAB E 014° 30.CD0
A = (the English name of the bridge) the number of letters in the second word – the number of letters in the first word
B = the number of letters in the surname of the Ljubljana mayor written on the memory plaque which is on the bench – A
C = the number of benches on the bridge × D
D = the sum of the digits (cross total) of the year when the bridge was built

3. tocka
Zmajski most
Zmajski most je lep primer secesijske arhitekture mostov. Zgradili so ga v cast štirideseti obletnici vladanja cesarja Franca Jožefa I od 1848 do 1888. Ob otvoritvi leta 1901 so ga poimenovali Jubilejni most. Takrat je bil most prva železobetonska konstrukcija v mestu. Štiri vogale krasijo iz bakrene plocevine kovani zmaji, ki predstavljajo simbol Ljubljane.

Dragon Bridge
Dragon Bridge is a beautiful example of Secession bridge architecture. It was built to commemorate the forty year rule of the emperor Franz Joseph I from 1848 to 1888. When the bridge was opened in 1901, it was called Jubilee Bridge. At that time it was the first reinforced concrete bridge in Ljubljana. The four corners of the bridge are decorated by sheet-copper dragon statues, which represent the symbol of Ljubljana.

Koordinate naslednje tocke: N46° 03.A0B E014° 30.CDB
A = druga letnica na zeleni tabli na mostu – prva letnica
B = število svetilk na mostu : 4
C = vsota števila vseh belih luci na vseh svetilkah na mostu
D = koren (v) števila velikih zmajev + A

Next coordinates: N46° 03.A0B E014° 30.CDB
A = the second year on the green memorial plaque on the bridge – the first year
B = the number of lamps on the bridge : 4
C = the sum of the digits (cross total) of the number of all white glass lights on all the lamps on the bridge
D = the square root (v) of the number of large dragons +A

4. tocka
Mesarski most
Mesarski most povezuje ljubljansko glavno tržnico s Petkovškovim nabrežjem. Stoji v središcu nekdanjih mesarskih lop. Zaznamujejo ga skulpture Adama in Eve, Satira in Prometeja ter nekaj manjših skulptur na ograji mostu. Nacrt za most je že v tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja izdelal arhitekt Jože Plecnik, vendar pri izgradnji mostu niso upoštevali vseh njegovih idej. Skulpture so delo kiparja Jakova Brvarja. Most je bil odprt 10. 7. 2010. Zaljubljeni pari dajejo na Mesarski most kljucavnice, ki predstavljajo vecno ljubezen.

Butchers' Bridge
Butchers' Bridge connects Ljubljana's Central Market with the Petkovškovo nabrežje embankment. The bridge is located in the centre of the former butchers' stalls. It is marked by the sculptures of Adam and Eve, Satyr, Prometheus, and some smaller sculptures on the top of the bridge’s fence. The bridge was designed by Jože Plecnik, the famous Slovenian architect, already in the 1930s, but not all of his ideas were used when building the bridge. The sculptures were made by the sculptor Jakov Brvar. It was opened on 10 July 2010. Couples in love put padlocks symbolizing eternal love on the bridge.

Koordinate naslednje tocke: N46° 03.0AB E014° 30.CA(A-B)
A = število oken v prvem in drugem nadstropju na restavraciji Most na Petkovškovem nabrežju : 2 + 2
B = število repov na skulpturi Satira na mostu
C = število velikih kipov na mostu – B

Next coordinates: N46° 03.0AB E014° 30.CA(A-B)
A= the number of windows on the first and second floor of the restaurant Most at Petkovškovo nabrežje embankment : 2 + 2
B = the number of tails on the sculpture of Satyr on the bridge
C = the number of large sculptures on the bridge – B

5. tocka
Položaj, kjer danes stoji Tromostovje, je bil preckanju Ljubljanice namenjen že od zacetka srednjega veka. Na tem mestu omenjajo leseni most, Stari most, že v letu 1280. Leta 1657 ga je unicil požar in so ga zamenjali z novim, tudi lesenim. Današnji osrednji most so zgradili leta 1842. V letih 1929 in 1930 je Jože Plecnik dodal osrednjemu še dva stranska mostova. Leta 1992 so Tromostovje temeljito obnovili. V bližini mostu je Prešernov trg s spomenikom Francetu Prešernu, najvecjemu slovenskemu pesniku.

Triple Bridge
The site where the Triple Bridge stands today has been used for crossing the Ljubljanica River since the beginning of the Middle Ages. There is mention of a wooden bridge, called Old Bridge, in this location from 1280. In 1657, it was destroyed in a fire and was replaced by a new, also wooden, one. The present central bridge was built in 1842. Between 1929 and 1930, Jože Plecnik added two side bridges to the central one. In 1992, the Triple Bridge was thoroughly renovated. Close to the bridge is Prešeren Square with the monument to France Prešeren, the greatest Slovenian poet.

Koordinate naslednje tocke: N46° 02.ABC E014° 30.CD0
A = število crk v priimku pesnika, cigar spomenik stoji na trgu + D
B = število mostov na Tromostovju
C = število osrednjih stopnic, ki vodijo k cerkvi : število obeliskov na strehi cerkve
D = število cerkva na trgu

Next coordinates: N46° 02.ABC E014° 30.CD0
A = the number of letters in the surname of the poet whose monument stands in the square + D
B = the number of bridges on the Triple Bridge
C = the number of central stairs leading to the church : the number of obelisks on the roof of the church
D = the number of churches in the square

6. tocka
Ljubljanski grad
Grad je pisno prvic omenjen leta 1144 kot sedež koroških vojvod Spanheimov. Leta 1335 je postal dedna posest Habsburžanov in središce Kranjske. Vecina stavb sedanjega gradu je bila zgrajena ali predelana v 16. in 17. stoletju. Leta 1848 so zgradili razgledni stolp, v katerem je stanoval cuvaj, ki je s topovskimi streli opozarjal na požare ali na pomembnejše dogodke in obiske v mestu. Mestna obcina Ljubljana je leta 1905 odkupila grad, in ga tudi prenovila. Od 90ih let 20. stoletja se na gradu odvijajo porocne svecanosti, kulturne prireditve in razstave ter protokolarni sprejemi. Grad ima tudi vzpenjaco, ki je bila zgrajena leta 2006.
Toplo priporocamo vzpon na razgledni stolp ali vsaj na grajsko obzidje, od koder se vam odpre krasen razgled na mesto z okolico.

Ljubljana Castle
The castle was first mentioned in 1144 as the seat of the Spanheim Dukes of Carinthia. In 1335, it became the property of the Habsburgs and the centre of Carniola. Most buildings of the present castle were built or rebuilt in the 16th and 17th century. In 1848, the Outlook Tower was built. A guard who lived in the Tower used the canon to inform townspeople about fires and other important events or visits in the town. The City Municipality of Ljubljana bought the castle in 1905 and renovated it. Since 1990s the castle has been used for weddings, cultural events, exhibitions and diplomatic receptions. The castle also has a funicular railway which was built in 2006.
We strongly recommend you to visit the Outlook Tower or at least the castle wall, from where you have a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings.

Koordinate naslednje tocke: N 46° 02.A0B E014° 30.CCB
A = število kamnitih obokov pred Gostilno na gradu + št. vodnjakov v bližini peterokotnega stolpa
B = število kotov v peterokotnem stolpu
C = število barv v zastavi na razglednem stolpu

Next coordinates: N 46° 02.A0B E014° 30.CCB
A = the number of stone arches in front of the restaurant Gostilna na gradu + the number of fountains near the pentagonal tower
B = the number of angles in the Pentagonal Tower
C = the number of colours in the flag on the Outlook Tower

7. tocka
Cevljarski most
Cevljarski ali Šuštarski most je eden najstarejših mostov Ljubljani. Leseni most cez Ljubljanico je bil na tem mestu že v 13. stoletju. Ime je dobil po cevljarjih, ki so imeli na mostu prodajne lope. Pred njimi so bili tod mesarji, vendar so se morali zaradi smradu prestaviti. Današnji most je bil postavljen po nacrtih Jožeta Plecnika med letoma 1930 in 1931. Ob koncu tedna je na mostu umetniška tržnica, kjer slikarji, kiparji in drugi umetniki prodajajo svoje umetnije in pa stojnice na katerih prodajajo knjige.

Shoemakers’ Bridge
Cobblers’ or Shoemakers’ Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in Ljubljana. A wooden bridge across the Ljubljanica was built already in the 13th century. The Bridge is named after shoemakers who used to have their stalls on the bridge. Before them, butchers had occupied the bridge, but had to move away because of the smell. Today's bridge was built according to the plans by Jože Plecnik between 1930 and 1931. At weekends, there is an art market on the bridge, where painters, sculptors and other artists sell their artwork. You can also buy second hand books on the bookstalls.

Koordinate naslednje tocke: N46° 03.AB(B-A) E014° 30.C0D
A = število balkonov na hiši Hribarjevo nabrežje 1
B = število crk v imenu trga (samo prva beseda), ki je poimenovano po pisatelju, cigar kipec je na galeriji Ars + A
C = število j – jev v imenu in priimku pisatelja pod kipcem na galeriji Ars
D = število stebrov na ograji na desni strani mostu

Next coordinates: N46° 03.AB(B-A) E014° 30.C0D
A = the number of balconies on the house at Hribarjevo nabrežje 1
B = the number of letters in the name of the square (only the first word) which is named after the writer whose statue is on the gallery Ars + A
C = the number of j's in the name and surname of the writer under the statue on the gallery Ars
D = the number of pillars on the fence on the right-hand side of the bridge

8. tocka
Neboticnik je bil zgrajen 21. 2. 1933 po nacrtih arhitekta Vladimirja Šubica. Visok je nekaj cez 70 metrov. Ko je bil izgrajen, je bil najvišja zgradba v Ljubljani. Zgradba ima 16 temeljev, ki segajo 18 metrov v globino, zaradi cesar je Neboticnik ena najbolj potresno varnih zgradb v Ljubljani. V temelje Neboticnika je vzidana pesnitev Otona Župancica.
Toplo priporocamo, da se z dvigalom (ali peš!) povzpnete do terase, kjer vas caka cudovit razgled na Ljubljano. Na vrhu je tudi kavarna.

Skyscraper was built on 21 February 1933 according to the plans by the architect Vladimir Šubic. It is over 70 meters tall. When it was built, it was the tallest building in Ljubljana. The building has 16 foundations that go 18 metres deep into the ground, which makes Skyscraper one of the best earthquake resistant buildings in Ljubljana. A poem by Oton Župancic was put in the foundations of Skyscraper.
We strongly recommend you to take the lift (or the stairs!) to the terrace where a wonderful view of Ljubljana can be enjoyed. There is also a cafe on the top.

Koordinate naslednje tocke: N46° 0A.BCD E014° EF.GHI
A = B iz tocke 5
B = D iz tocke 1
C = D iz tocke 7
D = A iz tocke 1
E = A iz tocke 7 - D iz točke 1
F = B iz tocke 7
G = B iz tocke 6
H = A iz tocke 2 + B iz tocke 2
I = D iz tocke 3 - C iz tocke 4

Next coordinates: N46° 0A.BCD E014° EF:GHI
A = B from 5.tocka
B = D from 1.tocka
C = D from 7.tocka
D = A from 1.tocka
E = A from 7. tocka - D from 1.tocka
F = B from 7. tocka
G = B from 6. tocka
H = A from 2. tocka + B from 2. tocka
I = D from 3. tocka - C from 4. tocka

9. tocka
Zaklad je tukaj. Upamo, da vam je bil sprehod všec.
The geocache is here. We hope you have enjoyed the walk.

Park Tivoli
Je najvecji in najlepši park v Ljubljani. Meri približno 5 km². Odprli so ga leta 1813. Med leti 1921 in 1939 ga je delno preuredil Jože Plecnik. V parku je veliko sprehajalnih poti. Ima tri glavne kostanjeve drevorede in Jakopicevo sprehajališce, kjer si lahko ogledate fotografske razstave. V parku so še ribnik, botanicni vrt, rastlinjak, otroško igrišce, športna dvorana z drsališcem, Cekinov in Tivolski grad.
Zaklad se skriva v predelu parka, ki je v nocnem casu zaprt (poleti je dostopen med 8.00 in 21.00, v zimskem casu pa med 9.00 in 18.00)

Tivoli Park
It is the largest and most beautiful park in Ljubljana. Its area is approximately 5 square kilometres. It was opened in 1813. Between 1921 and 1939, the park was partly renovated by Jože Plecnik. There are a lot of park paths. The park has three main chestnut-lined avenues and Jakopic Walk, where you can have a look at photographic exhibitions. There are also a fishpond, a botanic garden, a greenhouse, a children playground, a sports hall with an ice rink, Cekin Castle and Tivoli Castle.
The cache is only accesable 8.00 AM till 9.00 PM in the summer time and 9.00 AM till 6.00 PM in winter time.

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(letter above equals below, and vice versa)