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Stoly na Rapicke hore / Adits at Rapicka Hora Multi-cache

Hidden : 3/21/2008
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Geocache Description:

Prochazka po opustenych stolach na Rapicke Hore - pobliz Noveho Mesta pod Smrkem
Trip to abandoned adits on Rapicka hora - close to Nove Mesto pod Smrkem. English translation is at the bottom.


Pocatky tezby

Prvni zprava o cinu na severni strane hory Smrku pochazi z roku 1576. V 80. letech 16. stoleti pak tehdejsi vrchnost z Frydlantu pozvala horniky z Krusnych hor a Tyrolska, ubytovala je v Ludvikove pod Smrkem. Hornici otevreli behem nekolika let nekolik stol a zacali tezit cin.

Vrchol tezby

V roce 1584 bylo zalozeno nove Mesto pod Smrkem jako hornicke mesto. V roce 1592 mu byla udelena privilegia jako hrdelni, hornicke a nekolik dalsich. Do roku 1622 bylo zapsano v novomestskem reviru cca 70 hornickych del. Vynosy z dolu vsak nebyly takove, jake se cekaly a proto hornictvi od 30. let 17. stoleti upada. V oblasti se tezi uz jen minimalne v nekolika dolech, aby mesto neprisla o sva prava. Tezba rudy se udrzovala az do roku 1845, kdy nadobro skoncila.

Nedavna historie a soucasnost

V roce 1953 byl proveden na Rapicke hore a Medenci geologicky pruzkum, ktery zjistil, ze je cin prilis rozptyleny, nez aby se vyplatilo ho tezit.

V soucasne dobe je vetsina stol zatopena, popripade zabezpecena mrizemi pro ochranu zdravi navstevniku a netopyru, kteri v nich prezimuji.

Popis cache

Cesta k cache je asi 2 km dlouha prochazka ktera se da zvladnout zhruba za hodinu (nepocitaje cestu k prvni stage a cestu zpatky) z vetsi casti po cestach, i kdyz hledani cesty lesem se asi nevyhnete. Behem hledani napoved si budete moci prohlednout minimalne 5 ruznych pozustatku stol. V okoli nekterych stol je nebezpeci padu a zlomenin. Stoly nejsou prilis turisticky navstevovane, takze mudlu se nemusite bat, pravdepodobne vubec nikoho nepotkate. Cache je lock & lock krabicka neco pres litr objemu.

Pokud budete vymenovat predmety, vkladejte je prosim do zaviracich sacku, at dele vydrzi neosuntele.

Cesta k cache

Cast prvni - doprava k prvni stole

Pokud prijizdite autem, doporucuju vam zaparkovat na parkovisti u Kyselky (jedte vychodni cestou, zapadni je zakazana) na souradnicich 50° 54,888' N, 15° 14,138' E, kde muzete pobliz odlovit cache Pramen Novomestske Kyselky nebo moji druhou cache venovanou Novomestskym stolam Stoly na Medenci. Z te muzete lehce pokracovat na tuto cache.

Pokud pujdete pesky od Noveho Mesta, dojdete na vyse zminene parkoviste po modre znacce smer Smrk.

Pokud jedete na kole, budete je muset casto nechat na nejblizsi ceste a jit pesky - navic si zrejme parkrat dost zajedete. Tato cache neni naklonena cyklistum.

At uz jdete jakkoliv, dojdete k prvni stage na souradnicich 50° 54,799' N, 15° 15,458' E, kde pred sebou uvidite stolu Frantisek. Jedna se o novodobou stolu z roku 1959, ktera je pojmenovana po vedoucim geologovi. Stola je zabezpecena mrizi, vas vsak zajima cesta, ktera vede kousek od stoly a po ktere jste ke stole nejspis prisli (není myšlena cesta po které vede turistická znacka). Odpovezte z jakeho materialu je jeji povrch a ziskejte pismeno A:

  • Asfalt: A = 2
  • Betonove bloky: A = 4
  • Hlina a kameni: A = 6
  • Sterk: A = 8

Cast druha - kopecek

Druha stola kam se podivate se jmenuje Nad Frantiskem na souradnicich 50° 54,827' N, 15° 15,508' E. Jak uz nazev napovida, projdete se jen kousek a do kopce - mate to vsak po ceste, tak proc neziskat dalsi pismenko pro zjisteni souradnic? Samotna stola je nevelka, vznikla jako pokracovani povrchove tezby. Neni zamrizovana a da se vlezt dovnitr.

Pred stolou je vytezeny hluboky zarez, z jehoz stran roste nekolik stromu - vyrustaji temer vodorovne nez se stoci nahoru. Urcete co je to za stromy a ziskejte cislo B:

  • Borovice: B = 3
  • Bríza: B = 6
  • Buk: B = 9
  • Smrk: B = 2

Cast treti - jeste vyse

Nazev treti stoly kam se podivate je Rapold. Jedna se o stolu ze zacatku 17. stoleti pojmenovanou po Hansovi Rappeltovi, který vedl jeji razbu. Souradnice 50° 54,845' N, 15° 15,909' E vás zavedou ke vchodu do štoly, který je ohranicen plotem. Ciferace počtu sloupků plotu vám dá číslo C..

Pozor, poblíž je ještě další vchod. Počítejte sloupky u štoly s označením "úpadnice".

Příklad: Kolem štoly je 26 sloupků. Ciferace 2 + 6 = 2, číslo C je tedy 2.

Cast ctvrta - Bohata utecha

Ne, utechou jeste neni samotna cache, ale bohaty a stary dul z roku 1581, kde byly jedny z nejvyssich vynosu ze vsech mistnich dolu. Po ceste se pokuste nespadnout do zamrížovaného témer zavaleného vedlejšího vchodu, pokud vše dobre pujde, dostanete se na souradnicich 50° 54,882' N, 15° 16,192' E pred cca metr vysoký vchod do štoly - opet zamrížovaný. Podívejte se dovnitr, odpovezte jak prudce klesá nebo stoupa štola hned za mríží a získejte císlo D:

  • Vede prakticky kolmo dolu: D = 0
  • Svažuje se (kolem 40°): D = 2
  • Je zhruba vodorovna: D = 4
  • Mirne stoupa (asi 30°): D = 6

Cast pata - hned u cesty.

Tuto stolu na souradnicich 50° 54,917' N, 15° 16,227' E jiste najdete lehce, jmenuje se Beranek bozi. Je to stara stola z roku 1582, v dobe provozu pred ni stavala i kovarna pro vyrobu havirskych nastroju. Cislo E zde ziskate velmi snadno - Napravo od vchodu do stoly stoji strom, na kterem je ptaci budka, ktera ma z boku číslo. Opět proveďte ciferaci a ziskate cislo E.
Priklad: pokud je císlo na budce 231, císlo E = 2 + 3 + 1 = 6

Cast sesta - kde je cache?

Mate vsechna cisla? Nebo nemate a verite svemu geoinstinktu? Jak myslite. Pojdme si zrekapitulovat vsechna cisla co jste ziskali:

  • A = povrch cesty pred Frantiskem, asfalt: 2, betonove bloky: 4, hlina a kameni: 6, sterk: 8
  • B = stromy vyrustajici vodorovne pred stolou, borovice: 3, briza: 6, buk: 9, smrk: 2
  • C = ciferace počtu sloupků plotu kolem úpadnice Rapolda.
  • D = sklon chodby Bohate utechy, kolmo dolu: 0, svazuje se: 2, vodorovna: 4, mirne stoupa: 6
  • E = ciferace čísla na budce u Beránka božího

Spocítejte ješte císlo F = E - A - D a mužete dosadit do vzorce pro finální souradnice: 50° 54,BFC' N, 15° 1E,DFF' E - a muzete pro ni vyrazit! Ciferace součtu všech čísel A - F je 1, pokud se vám to chce počítat.

Nekolik poznamek

K jednomu dolu je casto vice stol. Na to myslete zejmena kdyz pujdete lesem (abyste nikam nespadli, zejmena v okoli Rapolda), dale kdyz u nejake stoly budete a mate cas, prozkoumejte okoli, muzou tam byt dalsi. A za treti, pokud najdete na internetu nejakou fotku, ze ktere je patrna nektera nepoveda k finalovym souradnicim, muze to byt fotka k jine stole k tomu samemu dolu, takze silne doporucuji si vsechny stoly opravdu projit.

Budete se pohybovat pobliz hranic s Polskem, vemte si s sebou doklad totoznosti.

Na mnoha mistech kde budete neni signal k mobilnim telefonum, nebo chytnete pouze signal z Polska. Nabijte si tedy telefon a pred volanim zkontrolujte z jake volate site. V mistech kudy pujdete se casto dari houbam, v houbarske sezone doporucuji se podle toho zaridit ;)

Celou dobu se budete pohybovat v chranene krajinne oblasti, pravidla chovani najdete na jejim webu.


Origins of mining

The first note about tin on the northern slope of Smrk (Spruce) mountain is from year 1576. In 80's of the 16th century authorities from Frydlant invited miners from Krusne hory and Tyrol, accomodated them in near Ludvikov pod Smrkem. Miners opened a few adits in a few years and started to mine the tin.

The culmination

In 1584 Nove Mesto pod Smrkem was founded as a mining town. In 1592 some privileges as hanging and mining were assigned to the town. Until 1622 there was about 70 mines signed up in the district of Nove Mesto pod Smrkem. However, yields from mining wasn't so high as expected and that's why from 30's of the 17th century mining is declining. Only a few mines were still running, to keep privileges for the town. The mining was staying up until 1845, when it finally finished.

Recent history and present

In 1953 there was a wireline logging on Rapicka hora and Medenec, but they discovered that the tin is too scattered and that mining wouldn't be profitable.

In present, most of adits are afloat and protected with grate, because of safety for the visitors and bats, which are wintering over there.

Description of the cache

The trip to the cache is about 2 km (about 1,3 mi) long trip which can be done in about an hour. (not counting the way to the first stage and back) mostly on paths. While looking for the numbers for coordinates of the final cache, you'll see a minimum of 5 different remains of adits. In the surrounding of the adits be aware of falling and fractures. The adits are not very frequented, probably you won't see anyone. Cache is a lock & lock box something over one litre (0,25 gallon) of size.

If you'll change items, put it into plastic bags please, to keep it neat and clear.

Way to cache

Part one - transporting to the first adit

If you're going by car, go (by the eastern road, the western one is banned) to the parking on coordinates 50° 54.888' N, 15° 14.138' E, where you can also find caches Pramen Novomestske Kyselky (Spring of acidulous water of Nove Mesto) or my second cache dedicated to adits by nove Mesto pod Smrkem Stoly na Medenci (Adits on Medenec). You can continue to this cache from it.

If you're going on foot from Nove Mesto, you'll come to that mentioned parking if you'll follow the blue tourist mark in direction to Smrk.

I don't recommend this cache for bikes, you'll have to leave it by path and the trip will be much longer.

No matter how did you come there, you'll come to the first stage on coordinates 50° 54.799' N, 15° 15.458' E, where you'll see the first adit - Frantisek (men's name). It's a modern adit from year 1959, which is named after the leading geologist. The adit is protected with a grate, but look to the path which is very near the adit - you had probably came on it (not the road with a tourist sign). Look what material it's made of and get the number A:

  • Tarmac: A = 2
  • Concrete blocks: A = 4
  • Mud and stones: A = 6
  • Grit: A = 8

Part two - a little hill

The second adit you'll see is called Nad Frantiskem (Over Frantisek) on coordinates 50° 54.827' N, 15° 15.508' E. As the name is telling you - it's near and up the hill but it's by the way, so why not get one more number for the final coordinates? The adit itself is small, it's the continuation of a surfacemining. It's not protected with grate, you can go inside.

In front of the adit, there is a deep incision and there are trees growing from its sides - they are starting growing almost horizontally. Decide what trees are they and get the number B:

  • Pine tree: B = 3
  • Birch: B = 6
  • Beech: B = 9
  • Spruce: B = 2

Part three - still higher

The name of the third adit you'll see is Rapold. It's an adit from the beginning of the 17th century named after Hans Rappelt, who led the mining. On coordinates 50° 54.845' N, 15° 15.909' E there is the entrance to the adit, which is secured with a fence. The digital root of the number of the posts gives number C.

Be careful, there is one other entrance nearby. Count the posts around the adit with the sign saying "úpadnice".

Example: There are 26 posts around the adit. 2 + 6 = 2, therefore number C is 2.

Part four - Bohata utecha (Rich Solace)

No, the consolace is still not the cache, but the old rich mine from the year 1581, where one of the most production of local mines was accomplished. by the way, try not to fall to almost completely cluttered adjacent adit, if avereything's going well, you'll reach the entrance to the main adit entrance at coordinates 50° 54.882' N, 15° 16.192' E, which is abou one meter high. Look inside, decide how the adit is raising up or falling down right beyond the grate and get the number D:

  • Almost vertically down: D = 0
  • Sloping down (about 40°): D = 2
  • Virtually horizontal: D = 4
  • A little sloping up (about 30°): D = 6

Part five - right by the path.

This adit on coordinates 50° 54.917' N, 15° 16.227' E is easy to find, its name is Beranek bozi (Lamb of God). It's an old adit from 1582, when it was working, there was even a forge making mining tools in front of it. You can get the number E very easily there - to the right from the adit entrance there is a tree with a birdhouse on it. There's a three-digit number on it. Again, find the digital root of this number and you'll get the number E.
Example: if the number on the birdhouse was 231, the number E = 2 + 3 + 1 = 6

Part six - where is the cache?

Do you have all the numbers? Or you don't but you trust your geoinstinct? You choice. Let's repeat the numbers you should have got:

  • A = path surface near Frantisek, tarmac: 2, concrete blocks: 4, mud and stones: 6, grit: 8
  • B = trees growing horizontally in front of Nad Frantiskem adit, pine tree: 3, birch: 6, beech: 9, spruce: 2
  • C = digital root of the number of posts at Rapold "úpadnice".
  • D = the Bohata utecha slope, vertical down: 0, slope down: 2, horizontal: 4, slope up: 6
  • E = digital root on the birdhouse at Beránek Boží

Count also the number F = E - A - D and you can get the final coordinates: 50° 54.BFC' N, 15° 1E.DFF' E - and you're ready to find it! The digital root of all numbers A - F is 1, if you really want to be sure.

A few remarks

There are often more adits to one mine. Keep this in mind when you are going through the forest (to not fall somewhere) and where you have more time, you can look around for more adits. There can be adits, which are still not discovered! And the third point is, that if you'll find some photo on the internet, from which some answer to question here can be got, it can be a photo for the same mine, but another adit, so I strongly recommend to really pass all the stages.

You'll be near the border witch Poland so have your passport / ID card with you

At some places you visit is no signal for cell phones, or only from Poland. So charge you cell phone before the trip and check from what network you're calling before doing so.

There are a lot of mushrooms growing along the way.

All the way to cache is in the protected landscape area of Izera mountains, you must not camp, start campfires, pull flowers etc.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[CZ:] Mnuerw fv an ubeavxn [ENG:] Vzntvar lbh'er n zvare

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)