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Egyptian Scarab Geocoin VillEcoueR GC #139 - Egyptian Scarab Geocoin

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VillEcoueR Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Portalegre, Portugal
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Current Goal

O objetivo desta geocoin é ir ao máximo de eventos possível, sempre na companhia dos meus donos, para ser partilhada com todos os geocachers que lá estejam.

Esta moeda pertence à nossa coleção pessoal.

The goal of this geocoin is to go to as many events as possible, always in the company of my owners, to be shared with all geocachers that are over there.

This coin belongs to our personal collection.

About This Item

A geocoin Escaravelho Egípcio é baseada no Deus egípcio Khepri (que significa emergir, de surgir), um dos Deuses da criação, do movimento do sol e do renascimento - e muitas vezes assume a forma de um besouro de escaravelho.

Os antigos egípcios acreditavam que o besouro / escaravelho do esgoto era especial, pois colocava os seus ovos numa bola de esterco e empurrava-o pelo chão, e os jovens besouros eventualmente emergiam da bola como se fossem criados a partir do nada. Acreditando que esses besouros foram criados a partir de matéria morta, o escaravelho estava fortemente associado com o renascimento, a renovação e a ressurreição, e os amuletos de escaravelho eram frequentemente enterrados com os mortos para garantir o renascimento do falecido no além.

Os egípcios também estabeleceram uma conexão entre o movimento do sol ao longo do céu e o movimento da bola de esterco empurrada pelo besouro. Um mito sugere que Khepri empurrou o sol através do céu à frente dele, e que esse movimento era constante. Todas as noites, Khepri pousava o sol no submundo e, todas as manhãs, o sol emergia novamente e atravessava o céu.

Ficha técnica

  • Produção: produzido por
  • Tamanho: 2 polegadas
  • Espessura: 10mm
  • Detalhes: moeda 3D detalhada com esmaltes translúcidos macios
  • rastreável em, com ícone próprio: [Geocoin Icon]

The Egyptian Scarab Geocoin is based on the Egyptain God Khepri (meaning to emerge of come into being), one of the Gods of creation, the movement of the sun and rebirth – and would often take the form of a scarab beetle.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the scarab/dung beetle was special, as it would lay its eggs in a ball of dung and push it along the ground, and the young beetles would eventually emerge from the ball as if created from nothing. Believing that these beetles were created from dead matter, the dung beetle was strongly associated with rebirth, renewal and resurrection, and scarab amulets would often be buried with the dead the ensure the rebirth of the deceased in the afterlife.

The Egyptians also made a connection between the movement of the sun across the sky and the movement of the ball of dung pushed by the beetle. One myth suggests that Khepri pushed the sun across the sky ahead of him, and that this movement was constant. Every night, Khepri would push the sun down into the underworld, and every morning the sun would emerge again and travel across the sky.


  • Production: produced by
  • Size: 2 inches
  • Thickness: 10mm
  • Details: detailed 3D coin with Soft Translucent Enamels
  • trackable at, with its own icon: [Geocoin Icon]

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Tracking History () View Map

  • 01-03 of 03 records ·
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Discovered It 7/12/2018 Cidinho & Lia discovered it   Visit Log

Fantástica coleção. Muito obrigado pela partilha.

Discovered It 6/26/2018 little-leggs discovered it   Visit Log

Thank you so much for sharing this with me , here in sunny somerset



Discovered It 8/8/2017 neiaeadry discovered it   Visit Log

Esta geocoin veio trazer ainda mais alento a tua fantástica coleção!

Das geocoins mais procuradas de sempre .

Obrigado pela partilha

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  • 01-03 of 03 records ·
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