TB5TEYC [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Use TB5TEYC to reference this item.
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Help me in the med hat race (see trackable for details) see http://madhatrace.blogspot.com/
Hi I'm Douglas help in my race. See my Partner race Tim the Husky (TB5TERH)
Got it
Standings have been updated. Also new rule about dipping had to be made please check out madhatrace.blogspot for more
On the move.
I was at the Spring pub night event by geowyrm and saw this guy in with several other trackables. looks awesome
Tidying up and discovered a note that said I met this TB at a Pub Night event! Thanks for sharing!
Discovered at the Calgary Spring Pub event. Thank for sharing! Good luck on your voyage!
Discovered this trackable while at the Spring pub night event.
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