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Xutos e Pontapés Geocoin VillEcoueR GC #030 - Xutos e Pontapés Geocoin

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VillEcoueR Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, September 26, 2014
Bragança, Portugal
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In the hands of the owner.

This is collectible.

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Current Goal

O objetivo desta geocoin é ir ao máximo de eventos possível, sempre na companhia dos meus donos, para ser partilhada com todos os geocachers que lá estejam.

Esta moeda pertence à nossa coleção pessoal.

The goal of this geocoin is to go to as many events as possible, always in the company of my owners, to be shared with all geocachers that are over there.

This coin belongs to our personal collection.

About This Item

Xutos & Pontapés

A Geocoin Xutos & Pontapés esteve a cargo de HelLa Twins. É uma bela geocoin, com um formato fora do habitual. Pretende homenagear a maior banda de rock portuguesa de sempre. Foram produzidos 100 exemplares.

Imagem relacionada


Mais de 3 décadas depois do arranque, os Xutos & Pontapés são o emblema do que significa rock & roll em português, por portugueses, para portugueses. Donos de um acervo de clássicos que faria muitas bandas roerem-se de inveja. Verdadeiros “animais de palco” que vivem para a festa dos concertos que cimentam a sua ligação indestrutível com um público sempre presente à chamada, braços cruzados em X a celebrar a maior longevidade de uma carreira rock neste cantinho à beira-mar plantado. Duas guitarras a abrir, uma bateria a bombar, o baixo a marcar a pulsação, 1-2-3-4, três acordes básicos e a correria desenfreada do cavalo à solta.

Há 37 anos que é assim e vai continuar a sê-lo enquanto Tim, Zé Pedro, Kalú, João Cabeleira e Gui continuarem a acreditar na força do rock’n’roll, na energia de estar em palco e a partilhar estas canções com o público que fez delas, hinos. Os Xutos continuam a ser a locomotiva rock’n’roll que arrasta multidões. Gerações inteiras, pais e filhos, juntos a celebrarem canções que já fazem parte da nossa história. Da nossa vida.

  • rastreável em, com ícone próprio: [Geocoin Icon]

Geocoin Xutos & Pontapés was in charge of HelLa Twins. It is a beautiful geocoin, with an unusual shape. It intends to pay homage to the biggest Portuguese rock band ever. 100 copies were produced.

Imagem relacionada


More than 3 decades after the start, the Xutos & Pontapés are the emblem of what rock & roll means in Portuguese, by Portuguese, to Portuguese. Owners of a collection of classics that would make many bands gnaw on envy. True "stage animals" who live for the party of concerts that cement their indestructible bond with an ever-present audience to the call, arms crossed in X to celebrate the greatest longevity of a rock career in this secluded seaside corner. Two guitars to open, a drum to blast, the bass to beat the pulse, 1-2-3-4, three basic chords and the rampant horse rush on the loose.

For 37 years it has been so and will continue to be so as long as Tim, Zé Pedro, Kalú, João Cabeleira and Gui continue to believe in the power of rock'n'roll, the energy of being on stage and sharing these songs with the audience that made them, hymns. The Xutos continue to be the rock'n'roll locomotive that draws crowds. Whole generations, parents and children, together celebrating songs that are already part of our story. Of our life.

  • trackable at, with its own icon: [Geocoin Icon]

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Discovered It 4/22/2024 Operation Monkeys discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks for sharing

Discovered It 3/28/2024 berb57 discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.

Discovered It 2/24/2024 Hejira discovered it   Visit Log

Seen on Facebook. Greetings from Södertälje, Sweden 🇸🇪

Discovered It 1/20/2024 Bismarck1940 discovered it   Visit Log

... seen in pictures or in text, shared in posts in a group on ... thx for sharing ...

Discovered It 1/3/2024 OmeErik discovered it   Visit Log

Bedankt voor het laten zien van uw TB of zelfs complete collectie! Ik heb weer de nodige hele mooie en bijzondere exemplaren kunnen bewonderen. Het blijft fascinerend om te zien hoeveel verschillende soorten TB's en Coins er zijn!

Thanks for showing your TB or even complete collection! I was able to admire several very beautiful and special specimens again. It remains fascinating to see how many different types of TBs and Coins there are!

Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihr TB oder sogar Ihre komplette Sammlung gezeigt haben! Ich konnte wieder einige sehr schöne und besondere Exemplare bewundern. Es bleibt faszinierend zu sehen, wie viele verschiedene Arten von TBs und Coins es gibt!

Merci d'avoir montré votre TB ou même votre collection complète ! J'ai pu à nouveau admirer plusieurs spécimens très beaux et particuliers. Il reste fascinant de voir combien il existe de types différents de TB et de Coins !

¡Gracias por mostrar tu TB o incluso la colección completa! Pude volver a admirar varios ejemplares muy bellos y especiales. ¡Sigue siendo fascinante ver cuántos tipos diferentes de TB y monedas existen!

Obrigado por mostrar sua TB ou até mesmo coleção completa! Pude admirar novamente vários exemplares muito bonitos e especiais. Continua sendo fascinante ver quantos tipos diferentes de TBs e Moedas existem!

Discovered It 1/3/2024 OmeErik discovered it   Visit Log

Bedankt voor het laten zien van uw TB of zelfs complete collectie! Ik heb weer de nodige hele mooie en bijzondere exemplaren kunnen bewonderen. Het blijft fascinerend om te zien hoeveel verschillende soorten TB's en Coins er zijn!

Thanks for showing your TB or even complete collection! I was able to admire several very beautiful and special specimens again. It remains fascinating to see how many different types of TBs and Coins there are!

Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihr TB oder sogar Ihre komplette Sammlung gezeigt haben! Ich konnte wieder einige sehr schöne und besondere Exemplare bewundern. Es bleibt faszinierend zu sehen, wie viele verschiedene Arten von TBs und Coins es gibt!

Merci d'avoir montré votre TB ou même votre collection complète ! J'ai pu à nouveau admirer plusieurs spécimens très beaux et particuliers. Il reste fascinant de voir combien il existe de types différents de TB et de Coins !

¡Gracias por mostrar tu TB o incluso la colección completa! Pude volver a admirar varios ejemplares muy bellos y especiales. ¡Sigue siendo fascinante ver cuántos tipos diferentes de TB y monedas existen!

Obrigado por mostrar sua TB ou até mesmo coleção completa! Pude admirar novamente vários exemplares muito bonitos e especiais. Continua sendo fascinante ver quantos tipos diferentes de TBs e Moedas existem!

Discovered It 12/26/2023 Johnny@Cache discovered it   Visit Log

Im Netz entdeckt. Vielen Dank fürs Zeigen!

Discovered It 11/20/2023 Fritzifuchs discovered it   Visit Log

Seen on Facebook, Thanks!

Discovered It 10/14/2023 Lulybelle discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered today, thank you for sharing

Discovered It 10/14/2023 medic143 discovered it   Visit Log

Seen on a facebook group shared by the owner

Greetings from Ireland

TTZ4QW - One of mine to discover for you.

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