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Travel Bug Dog Tag Little Squirt

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Saturday, June 8, 2013
Saskatchewan, Canada
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

This is not collectible.

Use TB5HV6B to reference this item.

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Current Goal

"Start Your Engines"

Start Your Engines 2013 is a race for trackables.  The Idea behind this race is to gather the most points and to spread the word about
Saskatchewan's Living Skies 2014 Mega Event.

Starting the Race:

All trackables will be taken to WestCan3 held in Merritt BC on 29 June 2013. This means that all trackables will be starting at the same time from the same place giving each one a fair and equal start. Starting at this event will also help spread the word of LivingSkies 2014, our geocaching event in Rosthern on 19 July 2014.

Ending the Race:

The end of the race will not be determined by a finish line, but rather a finish date of July 19, 2014, 12:00 noon local time. At this time, all points will be tallied and double checked and a winner will be announced at an event on 20 July 2014.

Earning Points:

Dropped into a Traditional Cache 5
Dropped into a Multi Cache 10
Dropped into a Puzzle/Unknown Cache 15
Attend a regular Event 15
Attend a CITO 25
Attend a Mega Event 50
Cross an international border 25
Cross a provincial, state or territorial border 15
Photo of trackable with log 10
Dipping, discovery, visiting 0
Be present at Living Skies 2014 100

Please help us win this race by keeping it moving [8D]  And please include a photo with your log if possible.

About This Item


I am an eleven year old girl and I am entering my favorite Littest Pet Shop Squirt into this Travel Bug race.  I hope I can win!! Slow and steady will win the race.

Gallery Images related to Little Squirt

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Tracking History (10665mi) View Map

Write note 1/13/2021 superjim12 posted a note for it   Visit Log


  • mooi! Logfoto verzonden vanuit de Geocaching®-app
Write note 8/29/2020 Zeppe_zgz posted a note for it   Visit Log

Didn't see little squishy at Aquacosta (GC4WP76). Hope he appears soon again.

Write note 3/12/2020 Berkenwilg posted a note for it   Visit Log

Op een of andere manier werkt het niet, helaas...

Write note 7/14/2019 ElaineMarley79 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Nicht da

Dropped Off 5/23/2019 the Smart couple placed it in Aquacosta Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 3,480.01 miles  Visit Log

Bye bye squishy! Enjoy your new home

Visited 3/17/2017 the Smart couple took it to Micro on Baker Road Ontario, Canada - 3.57 miles  Visit Log

Rabbit burrows!

Visited 3/17/2017 the Smart couple took it to Carpool Ontario, Canada - 6.68 miles  Visit Log

What a beautiful day!

Visited 3/17/2017 the Smart couple took it to St. Albert Conservation Area Ontario, Canada - 55.79 miles  Visit Log

Look at the beautiful water

Retrieve It from a Cache 3/17/2017 the Smart couple retrieved it from "Cachelman" Cache 'n Dash TB Inn Ontario, Canada   Visit Log

Taking it with us. Maybe we will drop it off in Portugal.

Dropped Off 11/25/2016 690... placed it in "Cachelman" Cache 'n Dash TB Inn Ontario, Canada - 26.64 miles  Visit Log
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