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Travel Bug Dog Tag Wagner the Pig

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tervajorkki Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, April 3, 2011
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Current Goal

My mission is to travel around the Europe, either alone or with my girl, Viivi. We would really like to go to Paris, and get pictures from our journey. After the journey we would like to come back to Finland, and to find our owner Tervajörkki.

About This Item

Viivi and Wagner is a Finnish comic series about the relationship between a man (acting like a pig) and a woman. This series is now reaching the audience of about 4 million Finnish readers. The comic series is being published in local newspapers and internet sites. The artist of the series, Jussi "Juba" Tuomola had first studied to become a translationist, has got several prizes for his series, for instance Finnish comics prize "Lempi" and "Puupäähattu".

Gallery Images related to Wagner the Pig

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Tracking History (54535.4mi) View Map

Discovered It 1/2/2021 LaMa_13 discovered it Île-de-France, France   Visit Log

Desen TB op Cachertour entdeckt.
Merci fir d'Weisen.

Discovered It 10/1/2020 Renee217 discovered it Île-de-France, France   Visit Log

Diesen Reisenden konnte ich entdecken und wünsche allzeit gute und sichere Reise- vielen Dank fürs Zeigen

Discovered It 9/20/2020 Team Lore discovered it Île-de-France, France   Visit Log

Vu a différents endroits lors du méga géo fourneau. Désolé pour le logg tardif. Géo amicalement.

Dropped Off 9/6/2020 Pandaxicain placed it in Bois de Mezy #1 Île-de-France, France - 194.82 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 9/4/2020 LaMa_13 discovered it   Visit Log

Vu pendant le mega Event Géo-Fourneau.

Visited 9/2/2020 Pandaxicain took it to [GF] 5: Uckange Méga-ville ? Grand-Est, France - .59 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/2/2020 Pandaxicain took it to [GF] 4: Sculpture métallique ? Grand-Est, France - .45 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/2/2020 Pandaxicain took it to [GF] Vie de famille # le portier 1 Grand-Est, France - .15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/2/2020 Pandaxicain took it to [GF] La wherigo du Geo'Fourneau Grand-Est, France - .1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/2/2020 Pandaxicain took it to [GF] 3:Entre chemin de fer et U4. Grand-Est, France - .11 miles  Visit Log
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